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Since the completion of the reform of college graduate employment system from government assignment to self-career choosing, college graduates must fulfill their employment searching by means of competition relying on the market system. This thesis employs the methods of document study and investigation analysis comprehensively to analyze the problem of the college graduate career choice and career choosing education, in the meantime, wants to help the college graduates choosing their career easily by educating them.
    First of all, from the historic standpoint, this thesis analyzes the reform of the college graduate employment system, from assignment to self-career choosing, and reveals the existence of career choice education. Second, by analyzing college student's living environment, this thesis indicates the objective factors that influencing the college graduate employment in the aspects of economy, culture and advanced college education system. Then it points out the important of the career choice education. Meanwhile, it also gives out a case study of the investigation and analysis of the employment problem of 527 college graduates from 17 different specialties among five universities in Nanjing. The content of the investigation is about the comprehension of career, the tendency of career choice -. the preparation of career choice , the choice of the way to get job , the tendency way to get the proposal of career choice-, the intention of career establishment the proposal of the reform of the education, and so on. F
    rom this investigation, we got more than twenty thousand data. By inducing and analyzing them, it reveal the large difference between sense of career choice and the need of the society. This is the major factor influence the college graduates career choosing. In the end, on the basis of consideration of the objective and the subjective factors, this thesis summarizes the roles that the college career choice education has played. Then gives the suggestions of enhance career choice education in three aspects, the settlement of subjects and specialties, the career choosing guidance and the self-employment education.
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