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全球化、信息化、高速城镇化对传统的城镇体系规划体系提出了新的挑战,GIS在城镇体系规划的数据管理、辅助决策和规划成果表达等方面具有其他计算机辅助制图软件和信息管理系统软件所没有的优势,可以成为规划师应对城镇体系规划新挑战的重要技术手段。本文以福建沿海地区为实证对GIS在城镇体系规划研究中的应用进行尝试:以ArcView 3.3和MapInfo7.0为分析工具,结合其他计量地理模型对其城镇体系结构现状进行分析,通过叠加、缓冲等方式对其城镇空间分布结构进行分析,发现沿海地区城镇相对内地山区来得密集,且在福厦沿线的狭长地带内分布更为密集;在现状分析的基础上,利用GIS获取城镇的海拔高度、交通区位等数据,结合其他统计数据,通过计量模型对城镇发展潜力进行评价;在此基础上,以GIS为主要辅助手段进行城镇体系发展规划,通过GIS与数学模型结合来选定重点发展城镇;最后用ESRI的GIS组件MapObjects 2.1和面向对象开发环境Visual Basic 6.0,把规划过程中所选用的模型进行整理,开发了福建沿海地区城镇体系规划管理信息系统原型,把常用GIS功能和城镇体系规划管理常用模型较好地结合在一个系统中,把城镇体系规划管理信息化与GIS在城镇体系规划领域中的应用较为完美地结合起来,为城镇体系规划管理的信息化提供强有力的工具。
After 3 times' prosperity and decline since the 1980's, the cities and towns of Fujian Coastal Zone prospers again and are growing into one of the highly urban regions of China. This thesis deduces that it is necessary to draw up a program for the urban system development in this area by means of new technologies including Geographical Information System (GIS), and to practise the urban development policy based on this program for its better development in future. Faced with the economic globalization, digitalization and accelerating urbanization, traditional techniques of urban system planning are becoming more and more difficult to meet the actual demands. Since GIS has many advantages over softwares as CAD and MIS in aspects of planning material and data management, assistant decision-making, and the expression of the results of planning, it becomes a powerful tool for planners to cope with the new challenges in urban system planning. Taking Fujian Coastal Zone as example, the thesis analyzes its present
    structure and draws up the development policy for its future urban system supported by GIS. Firstly, with ArcView 3.3 and Maplnfo 7.0, and by way of overlaying and buffering, it is discovered that cities and towns in coastal zone are denser than those in mountainous area, especially in the narrow zone around the Fu-Xia highway. Secondly, combining altitude, traffic location of each cities and towns got through GIS and other statistic data, the thesis evaluates the development potency of each cities and towns, and based on the evaluation selects the prior cities and towns to develop with the aid of GIS integrated with other mathematic models. At last, by means of ComGIS MapObjects 2.1 of ESRI and Object-oriented Program Language Visual Basic 6.0 of Microsoft, this thesis programs the Manager Information System for Fujian Coastal Zone Urban System (MIS-FJCZUS), which integrates the application of GIS in urban system planning with the digitalization of urban
    system planning management, combing the basic GIS functions and the common urban system model together, and providing a powerful tool in the field of urban system planning.
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