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    博弈论以其理性假设及其认为决策主体之间的决策彼此依赖的观点而日益受到人们的关注和青睐。它首先在经济学中得到系统阐述和运用,但是它与社会学中的功利主义观点——具体来说是与理性理论中的社会交换理论和起源于政治学也应用于社会学的公共选择理论 “不谋而合”,相互贯通、借鉴、融合。本文从社会学角度出发,尝试应用博弈论对农民负担问题做出探讨。
    农民负担是人类历史进程中客观存在的社会现象,是社会分工与合作过程中,农民与其他社会群体交换劳动成果所伴生的一种利益失衡的结果。政府在其中只是起调度作用,但是这一作用是人类社会发展所必需的。然而在当前社会设置的约束下,政府行为渐行渐远,发生扭曲,地方政府在运行中成为专政机关而不是为人民服务的机构。政府行为的 “异化”既是政府对社会的偏离也是社会对农民的偏离。由此,政府与农民之间的博弈成为畸形博弈。
The peasants' load, as an important form of redistribution of the peasants' output among the whole society, is the sum total of surplus value rendered gratis by citizens of rural residence. It realizes in three ways: fees, services and output. As a settle practice it is hard to reform. The importance and urgency to solve the three-problems concerning peasants surges increasingly with our entry into WTO and our progress to build a well-to-do family all over China. On the Third Plenary Session of the Sixteen Central Committee how to solve this problem became an important subject under discussion.
     The problem of the heavy load of the peasants is social conflict itself, resulting from the game between the government and the peasantry on agricultural taxation and interest. It originates from the disparity in essentially unequal transaction order between the two sides.
    The game theory has won recognition and favor increasingly these years for its rational hypothesis and its proposition on the interdependence of the policy-makers' decisions. It was first exemplified and utilized systematically in economics, yet it holds the same idea by coincidence with utilization in sociology, to be more exact, social exchange in rational theories and public selection originates from politics. These two are analogous, referring to and merging with each other.
    This problem of heavy load is deeply rooted in the society, whose evolution process is like this: system foundation----acting choice----structure organization----operating effectiveness. Why this problem has developed into such a severity, originally it is because of the avianizing of regulation innovation and the resulted decreasing effectiveness of policies.
    Among the elements of policy the fundamental one is the binary social organization coming from artificial decisions. The reasons of the deviation of guiding ideology upon the peasantry in China are the following: one is the tradition and ideological remains of policy of obscuration in the 2000 years' feudalism in China; the other is simplified imitation of Soviet's model; errors in dealing with the peasantry in Marxism is also used in socialist construction without alteration. Game between the government and the peasantry in China is supposed to experience the periods of incubation, protrusion, upsurge and alleviation.
    The game is the dynamic game of incomplete information. It is in essence the game of power, as there is disequilibrium between the two sides in power, information, organization
    and trading fees. At the very beginning, the powerful side---the government--- has used its power to establish a transaction order advantageous to itself (the social organization system). This is the policy origin of the failure of peasants in the game, also the environmental foundation of later sets.
    The peasants' load, result of social division and cooperation of labor, is an objective historical phenomenon along side with the progress of the society. During the exchange of output from labor among peasants and other components of society the government functions as a dispatcher, a role inalienable to the development. Under the restrain of the present social order the government conduct gradually drifts off and even twists, so that the local government in its evolution becomes the organ of dictatorship not of service provider. The alienation of government conduct is not only deviation of government from society but also that of society from the peasantry. Thus the game is deformed.
    The solvent of the problem lies in innovation of policies, betterment of regulations (whether coercive or inducing) and the inspiring system for lightening the load. The reform of the government, too, is crucial. Economical development is prerequisite and insurance. In view of our agriculture as a fragile industry and our peasantry all the more frail being, it is also necessary to build safety valve system and to cultivate peasants with modern level of competence.
    It is a long process to lighten the peasants' load so we have to pre
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