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It is a huge step for East Asian Financial Cooperation to reach the formation of the East Asian Foreign Exchange Reserve Pool through the proposal of Asian Monetary Fund and the Chiang-Mai Initiative, under the different condition of the levels of economic development, political system and cooperation wills. This sets up a new logic of regional integration, which differentiates the traditional way, when the Asian financial crisis in 1997 reveals the fragility of banks and financial system in East Asian countries and being short of the coordinative mechanism in macroeconomic fields. However, the crisis stimulates the breakthrough of East Asian cooperation, as it destroys the economic systems in East Asia. Although the region has no traditions and achievements like the EU and North America, East Asia makes huge achievements in liquidity supports which build a strong basis for the coming regional cooperation.
     It is the consensus on regional cooperation from the financial crisis that makes the East Asian Foreign Exchange Reserve Pool comes into being. The members of East Asia set up this pool pro rata to provide liquidity support for the region and safeguard East Asian financial stability. It reshapes regional financial cooperation without conditions for sovereignty-surrendering cooperation. It is hard for existing theories, such as theory of economic integration and regionalism, to explain this special process, which needs to hunt a good theoretical explanation. As the East Asian Foreign Exchange Reserve Pool is of characteristic of regional public goods, this research analyzes constructing of the pool based on the theory of Regional Public Goods so as to explore the new thinking way for East Asian cooperation.
     This research will emphasize on a systemic analysis on the relevant issues of the East Asian Foreign Exchange Reserve Pool, such as the regional features of East Asian financial cooperation and the methods of the reserve pool, etc. By this logic, the research will testify whether the theory of Regional Public Goods is suitable to explain the constructing of foreign exchange pool, and provide a reference for building institutional arrangements on regional financial cooperation. And then, the research will explore the future route of East Asian financial cooperation, by comparing other regional financial arrangement and absorbing the regional tradition.
     As far as China is concerned, on the one hand, participating the building of regional financial mechanism will be helpful to provide a stable and healthy environment and promote its national interests; on the other hand, it conduces to make a scientific judgment about China's position on the strategies of neighbor, regional and multilateral diplomacy, and optimize the will and thinking to provide international public goods as a big developing country in the world. Therefore, it is of the key issue to influence China's whole choices.
1 用语说明:第一,无论是区域还是地区,对应的英文都是region,包括regionalism, regional, region,的词根都是region,所以两者只是翻译上的差异。但本文中一般使用“区域”,除了因为引文中的内容。因为对于区域和地区还没有统一的标准,有不少国内学者习惯上认为地区是指一个国家范围内的某个部分,比如江南地区,西南地区等;也有学者认为区域指两个或两个以上的国家所组成的一个地理空间; 还有的学者甚至从语法上来做区别,认为前边有定语时用地区,如东亚地区等,这里不一一列举。因为不同学科在不同的分析中有不同的界定,本文是把地理上跨越两个国家以上的地理范围统称为区域,因而相应的术语也就形成了区域主义、新区域主义及区域性公共产品等等。第二,关于“货币”与“金融”两个词语的内涵的区分,本文也不做严格区分。所以,国际金融体系和国际货币体系是指一个概念,尽管国际金融体系显然是一个外延比国际货币体系远为宽泛的概念。(详见萨奇:《有关国际金融体系改造的若干困惑》,载《国际经济评论》,1995年第3期。
    2 Andrew Wyatt-Walter, "Regionalism, Globalization, and World Economic Order," in Louise Fawcett and Andrew Hurrell, eds., Regionalism in World Politics (New York:Oxford University Press,1995), p.74.
    3 Andrew Wyatt-Walter, "Regionalism, Globalism, and World Economic Order," pp.97-114.
    4 李琮:《论经济地区化》,载《太平洋学报》,1999年第2期,第19页。
    5 陈峰君、祁建华编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》,北京:中国经济出版社,2007年版,第82页。
    6 World Bank, Asia:The Road to Recovery (Washington D.C.:World Bank,1999), p.15.
    7 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,北京:中国金融出版社,2009年版,第210页。
    8 王志民等著:《东亚区域经济合作的政治因素及中国的对策》,北京:世界知识出版社,2009年版,第29页。
    9 柳剑平著:《当代国际经济关系政治化问题研究》,北京:人民出版社,2002年版,第216页。
    10 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2006年版,第7页。
    11 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,第5页。
    12 根据国际货币基金组织数据库(2007年),2007年世界各国和地区外汇储备最多的前十名里亚洲的占了7席,分别是中国大陆的15282.5,日本的9483.6,印度的2665.5,中国台湾的2661.5,韩国的2617.7,新加坡的1625.2,以及香港的1526.4。(单位:百万美元)来源:http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/qtsj/gjsj/2008/t200 90615_402565479.htm,登录时间2009年11月10 日。
    13 尤马斯阿奎著:《改革金融体系问题与建议》,马来西亚槟城:第三世界网络,2003年版,第ix页。
    14 王德迅、张金杰著:《国际货币基金组织》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2004年版,第197页。
    15 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道——全球公共产品的提供与管理》,张春波、高静译,北京:人民出版社,2006年版,第14页。
    16 尤马斯阿奎著:《改革金融体系问题与建议》,第16-17页。
    17 Rosemary Foot, "Regionalism in Pacific Asia," in Louse Fawcett and Andrew Hurrell, eds., Regionalism in World Politics:Regional Organisation and International Order, p.239.
    18 陈峰君、祁建华编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》,第420页。
    19 Barry Eichengreen and Tamim Bayoumi, "Is Asia an Optimum Currency Area? Can It Become One? Regional, Global and Historical Perspectives on Asian Monetary Relations," in S. Collignon et al., eds., Exchange Rate Policies in Emerging Asian Countries (London:Routledge,1999).
    20 参见:Gordon de Brouwer, "IMF and ADB Perspectives on Regional Surveillance in East Asia," in Gordon de Brouwer and Yunjong Wang, Financial Governance in East Asia:Policy Dialogue, Surveillance and Coopeation (New York:RoutledgeCurzon,2005); Seung-Gwan Baek and Chi-Young Song, "Is Currency Union a Feasible Option in East Asia?" in H. Choo and Y. Wang, eds., Currency Union in East Asia (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy,2002); Tamim Bayoumi and Paolo Mauro, "The Suitability of ASEAN for a Regional Currency Arrangement," IMF Working Paper, WP/99/162 (1999); Jong Hwa Lee and Robert Barro, "Currency Union in East Asia," 2006, http://www.aric.adb.org/pdf/LeeCurrencyUnion1031.pdf.登录时间:2010年3月20日。
    21 参见:白当伟、陈漓高:《东亚货币联盟的实现途径:一个设想方案》,载《世界经济研究》,2002年第6期;陈建安:《经济全球化中的东亚经济合作》,载《世界经济文汇》,2001第4期;戴金平、熊性美:《东亚货币合作的阶段确定与形态选择》,载《南开经济研究》,2001年第4期;何帆、覃东海:《东亚建立货币联盟的成本与收益分析》,载《世界经济》,2005年第1期;黄梅波:《最优货币区理论与东亚货币合作的可能性分析》,载《世界经济》,2001年第10期;王立军、陈增灵:《东亚建立最有货币区不可行》,载《金融理论与实践》,2004第4期。
    Jeffrey A. Frankel and Andrew K. Rose, "The Endogeneity of the Optimum Currency Area Criteria," The Economic Journal, Vol.108, No.499 (July 1998), pp.1009-25.
    23 参见:Tetsuji Murase, A Zone of Asian Monetary Stability (Canberra:Asia Pacific Press,2004); Eisuke Sakakibara, "Asian Cooperation and the End of Pax Americana," in Jan Joost Teunissen and Mark Teunissen, eds., Financial Stability and Growth in Emerging Economies:The Role of the Financial Sector (The Hague:Fondad, 2003); Eiji Ogawa, AMU and AMU Deviation Indicators (Tokyo:Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry,2006); Zhaoyong Zhang et al., "Is East Asia an Optimum Currency Area?" Working Paper 2001—37 (Kitakyushu:International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development);冯邦彦、武艳杰:《亚洲金融合 作与“亚元”的前景》,载《当代亚太》,2003年第1期。
    24 参见:Randall C Henning, East Asian Financial Cooperation:Policy Analyses in International Economics (Institute for International Economics,2002).
    25 参见Jeffrey Lewis, "Asian vs InternationaL:Structuring an Asian Monetary Fund," Asian Quarterly, Vol.3. No.4 (Autumn 1999).
    26 参见Pradumna B. Rana, "Monetary and Financial Cooperation in East Asia:The Chiang Mai Initiative and Beyond," ERD Working Paper Series No.6,2002.
    27 参见余永定、何帆等:《亚洲金融合作:背景、最新进展与发展前景》,载《国际金融研究》,2002年第2期。
    28 参见张蕴岭、张斌:《东亚金融合作的进程与未来的选择》,载《当代亚太》,2002年第8期。
    29 参见David Cowen, et al., "Financial Integration in Asia:Recent Developments and Next Steps," IMF Working Paper,06/196 (2006); Robert N. McCauley et al., "Integrating the Finances of East Asia," BIS Quarterly Review, (December 2002), pp.83-96.
    30 参见Peter J. Montiel, "An Overview of Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia", in Asian Development Bank, ed., Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia:The Way ahead (New York:Palgrave MacMillan,2004), Vol.1;白当伟、陈漓高:《东亚货币联盟的实现途径——一个设想方案》,载《世界经济研究》,2002年第6期;刘红忠等:《货币一体化:国际金融架构的新趋势》,载《中国外汇管理》,2001年第3期;施建淮:《东亚金融货币合作:短期、中期和长期》,载《国际经济评论》,2004年第9-10期。
    31 参见李晓、丁一兵:《论东亚货币合作的具体措施》,载《世界经济》,2002年第11期;刘力臻、谢朝阳:《东亚货币合作与人民币汇率制度选择》,载《管理世界》,2003第3期;张斌:《东亚区域汇率合作——中国视角》,载《世界经济》,2004年第10期。
    32 Robert Wade, "The Asian Crisis and the Global Economy:Causes, Consequences, and Cure," Current History, Vol.97, No.622 (November 1998), p.371.
    33参见Robert Wade and Frank Venoroso, "The Resources Lie Within," The Economist,7 (November,1998). 34 S. Fischer, "Opening Remarks," IMF/World Bank International Reserves:Policy Issues Forum, Washington D.C. (April 28,2001).
    35 Wen Jin Yuan and Melissa Murphy, "Regional Monetary Cooperation in East Asia:Should the United States Be Concerned?" Report of the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies, November 2010.
    36 亚洲开发银行编:《金融危机早期预警系统及其在东亚地区的运用》,张健华等译,北京:中国金融出版社,2006年版。
    37 杨涛:《“亚洲金融“血库”的历史意义》,http://ifb.cass.cn/show_news.asp?id=23513,登陆时间2009年11月15日。
    38 杨权著:《东亚区域金融深化:由金融合作走向贷币合作的路径》,北京:经济科学出版社,2008年版。
    39 郑海青:《东亚外汇储备库的收益:理论和实证分析》,载《环球金融》,2008年第5期,第22-29页。
    40 祝小兵;《建立东亚外汇储备库难点及操作建议》,载《经济研究导刊》,2009年第20期,第86-89页。
    41 高海红:《东盟+3:以多边制度合作保障区域金融稳定》,载《第一财经日报》,2009年2月24日。http://www.iwep.org.cn/info/content.asp?infold=3996
    42 郑联盛:《东亚外汇储备库:能解决多大问题》,载《世界知识》,2009年11月期,第31-33页。
    43 参见Guonan Ma and Eli M. Remolona, "Opening Markets Through a Regional Bond Fund:Lessons from ABF2," BIS Quarterly Review,2005; Haruhiko Kuroda, "The Conundrums of Global Bond Markets——An Asian Perspective," Speech at the Global Bond Summit, Hong Kong,2005; Donald Tsang, "Asian Bond Market," Speech at the Asian Debt Conference,1998;李杨:《债券市场发展:亚洲面临的挑战》,载《国际金融研究》,2003年第11期;梅新育:《固本培元----从弧洲债券基金看东亚金融合作发展》,载《国际贸易》,2003年第8期;陈虹:《培育亚洲债券市场》,载《世界经济与政治》,2005年第6期;姜霞:《浅论亚洲债券基金与金融合作》,载《经济与管理》,2004年第4期;胡颖、胡洁:《亚洲金融合作的重点:发展亚洲债券市场》,载《国际金融研究》,2004年第5期。
    44 Yunjong Wang and Wing Thye Woo, "A Timely Information Exchange Mechanism, an Effective Surveillance System, and an Improved Financial Architecture for East Asia," in Asian Development Bank, Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia:The Way Ahead(Houndmills:Palgrave Macmillan,2004), Vol Ⅱ; Raul Fabella, "Monetary Cooperation in East Asia:A Survey," ERD Working Paper, Series ADB 340/13 (2002);何慧刚著:《最优货币区理论与东亚货币合作问题研究》,北京:中国财政经济出版社,2005年版;王雪磊:《试论东亚汇率制度协调》,载《国际金融研究》,2003第12期;徐念沙、蓝庆新:《东南亚国家最优汇率制度分析》,载《东南亚纵横》,2003第8期。
    45 参见SFischer, "Exchange Rate Regimes:Is the Bipolar View Correct?" Finance and Development, Vol.38, No.2 (2001), pp.18-21; E. Ogawa and T. Ito, "On the Desirability of a Regional Basket Currency Arrangement," NBER Working Paper, No.8002 (2000); M. Mussa and P. Masson, "Exchange Rate Regimes in an Increasingly Integrated World Economy", IMF,2000, http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/op/193/index.htm; J. Williamson, "The Case for a Common Basket Peg for East Asian Countries," in Stefan Collignon et al., eds., Exchange Rate Policies in Emerging Asian Countries (London:Routledge,1999), pp.327-343; C. Wyplosz, Exchange Rate Regimes:Some Lessons from Postwar Europe (Washington, DC:Group of Thirty,2000).
    46 Paul A. Samuelson, "The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure," The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.36, No.4 (November 1954), pp.387-389.
    47 亚当·斯密著:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(下),郭大力、王亚南译,北京:商务印书馆,1974年版,第284页。
    48 关于公共产品的研究最初是对于纯公共产品的定义和属性的界定和相关研究:R. Comes and T. Sandler,The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Club Goods (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1996),2nd Edition; R. Kanbur et al., The Future of Development Assistance:Common Pools and International Public Goods (Washington D.C.:Johns Hopkins University Press for Overseas Development Council,1999); T. Sandler, Collective Action:Theory and Applications (Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press, 1992); T. Sandler, "On the Provision, Optimality, and Measurement of Public Goods," in I. Kaul, ed., Providing Global Public Goods:Making Globalization Work for All (New York:Oxford University Press,2002); T. Sandler and D.G. Arce M.,2001, "A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Global and Transnational Public Goods for Health," unpublished manuscript, University of Southern California,2001.
    49 Paul A. Samuelson, "The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure," pp.387-389.
    50 R. H. Coase, "The Nature of the Firm," Economica N.S.4 (1937), pp.386-405.
    51 Mancur Olson, "Increasing the Incentives for International Cooperation," International Organization, Vol.25, No.4 (1971), pp.866-874.
    52 Bruce M. Russett and J. Sullivan, "Collective Goods and International Organization," International Organization, Vol.25, No.4 (1971), pp.845-865.
    53 Charles P. Kindelberger, "International Public Goods without International Government," The American Economic Review, No.l (1986), pp.1-11; Charles P. Kindelberger, The World in Depression:1929-1939 (Los Angels:The University of California Press,1986).
    54 Mancur Olson and Richard Zeckhauser, "An Economic Theory of Alliances," The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.48, No.3 (August 1966), pp.266-279.
    55 Charles P. Kindleberger, "Dominance and Leadership in the International Economy:Exploitation, Public Goods, and Free Riders," International Studies Quarterly,1981, pp.242-54.
    56 Inge Kaul et al., eds., Global Public Goods:International Cooperation in the 21st Century (New York, Oxford University Press,1999).
    57 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之路——全球公共产品的提供与管理》,张春波、高静等译,北京:人民出版社,2006年版。
    58 国内学者王逸舟提出,中国需要在今天和未来把适当的精力和资源用于提供更多的国际公共产品。中国提供国际公共产品的目标、领域、种类、次序、时机、数量等课题,都值得花气力去探究和说明。参见王逸舟:《中国外交的思考与前瞻》,载《国际经济评论》,2008年第7-8期。
    59 相关的研究成果有:D. G. Arce M. and T. Sandler, "Transnational Public Goods:Strategies and Institutions," European Journal of Political Economy, Vol.17, No.3 (2001), pp.493-516; R. Kanbur et al., The Future of Development Assistance:Common Pools and International Public Goods (Washington, D.C.:Johns Hopkins University Press for Overseas Development Council,1999); T. Sandler, "Global and Regional Public Goods:A Prognosis for Collective Action," Fiscal Studies, Vol.19, No.3(1998), pp.221-247; T. Sandler and K. Sargent, "Management of Transnational Commons:Coordination, Publicness, and Treaty Formation," Land Economics, Vol.71, No.2 (1995), pp.145-162; W. H. Reinicke, "Global Public Policy," Foreign Affairs, Vol.74, No.6 (1998), pp.127-138.; W. H. Reinicke, Global Public Policy:Governing Without Government? (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press,1998); World Bank, Global Development Finance:Building Coalitions for Effective Development Finance (Washington, D.C.:World Bank,2001).
    60 Daniel G. Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance (Stockholm:Almqvist and Wiksell,2002), p.1
    61 樊勇明:《区域性国际公共产品——解析区域合作的另一个理论视点》,载《世界经济与政治》,2008年第1期,第7页。
    62 Patrik Stalgren, "Regional Public Goods and the Future of International Development Cooperation:A Review of the Literature on Regional Public Goods," Working Paper 2000:2, Expert Group on Development Issues, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Stockholm.
    63 Marco Ferronil, "Regional Public Goods:The Comparative Edge of Regional Development Banks," Paper delivered to a conference on Financing for Development:Regional Challenges and the Regional Development Banks at the Institute for International Economics, February 19,2002; Daniel G. Arce M. and Todd Sandler, "Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance," Working Paper,2002:1, Expert Group on Development Issues, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Stockholm; Inge Kaul et al., eds., Providing Global Public Goods:Managing Globalization (New York:Oxford University Press,2003); Helmut Reisen et al., "Financing Global and Regional Public Goods through ODA:Analysis and Evidence from the OECD Creditor Reporting System", OECD Development Centre Working Paper No.232,2004; Antoni Estevadeordal et al., eds., Regional Public Goods:From Theory to Practice (Inter-American Development Bank and Asian Development Bank,2005); Mikio Kuwayama, Latin American South-south Integration And Cooperation:From a Regional Public Goods Perspective (United Nations Publications,2005); Gabor Pusztai, Providing Global Public Goods (VDM Verlag,2007).
    64 布鲁斯·拉西特、哈维·斯塔尔著:《世界政治》,王玉珍等译,北京:华夏出版社,2001年版,第382页。
    65 Antoni Estevadeordal et al., eds., Regional Public Goods:From Theory to Practice, p.1.
    66 张建新:《国际公共产品理论:地区一体化的新视角,国际公共产品与地区合作》(复旦国际关系评论第九辑),上海人民出版社,2009年版,第47页。
    67 R. Kanbur et al., The Future of Development Assistance:Common Pools and International Public Goods, p.106.
    68 汇总技术的研究,最早的是J. Hirshleifer, "From Weakest Link to Best Shot:The Voluntary Provision of Public Goods," Public Choice, Vol.4, No.3 (1983), pp.371-386;后来很多学者加入进来,就汇总技术、它的重要性以及相关的公共产品的供给进行了相关研究。R. Comes, "Dyke Maintenance and Other Stories:Some Neglected Types of Public Goods," Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.108, No.l (1993), pp.259-271; R. Comes and T. Sandler, The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Club Goods (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1996),2nd Edition; S. Vicary, "Transfers and the Weakest Link:An Extension of Hirshleifer's Analysis," Journal of Public Economics, Vol.43, No.3 (1990), pp.375-394; M. Ferroni, "Reforming Foreign Aid: The Role of International Public Goods," World Bank Operations Evaluation Department Working Paper Series No.4, Washington, D.C.,2000; R. Jayaraman and R. Kanbur, "International Public Goods and the Case for Foreign Aid," in I. Kaul et al., eds., Global Public Goods:International Cooperation in the 21st Century, pp. 418-435; R Kanbur et al., The Future of Development Assistance:Common Pools and International Public Goods; T. Sandler, "On Financing Global and International Public Goods," World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 0-2638, Washington, D.C.,2001.
    69 它们分别为:1、“总和(Summation Technology) "是公共产品中最常见的效应类型。它指由每个行为体贡献的每一个单位产品对整体层面的意义相等。2、“最佳表现(Best-shot Technology) ",是指公共产品整体层次是由做出最大贡献的行为者决定的。3、“最弱环节(Weakest Link Technology) ",其特点是贡献最小者对整个集体具有核心意义,不管该集体是一个国家、区域还是全球。4、“加权总和(Weighted Sum Technology) ",除了在总体计量之前要对个人贡献赋予相应权重这一点之外,加权效应与累加效应相同。详见 T. Sandler, "Global and Regional Public Goods:A Prognosis for Collective Action," pp.221-247.
    70 Andrew Hurrell and Louise Fawcett, "Conclusion:Regionalism and International Order?" in Louise Fawcett and Andrew Hurrell, eds., Regionlism in World Politics:Regional Organization and International Order, pp.309-314.
    71 樊勇明:《区域性公共产品——解析区域合作的另一个理论视点》,载《世界经济与政治》,2008年第1期,第7-13页。
    72 张建新:《霸权、全球主义和地区主义———全球化背景下国际公共物品供给的多元化》,载《世界经济与政治》,2005年第8期,第31-37页。
    73 黄仁伟等:《东亚多边合作的战略前瞻》,载《世界经济研究》,2004年第9期,第22-38页。
    74 王方方:《公共选择理论与中日韩经济一体化困境》,载《党政干部学刊》,2006年第2期,第10-12页。
    75 Joseph Nye, International Regionalism (Little, Brown & Co. Boston,1968), p.vii.
    76 Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner, "The New Wave of Regionalism," Internatiional Organization, Vol.52, No.3 (Summer,1999), p.591.
    77 Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner, "The New Wave of Regionalism," pp.589-627.
    78 R. Stubbs and G. Underhill, eds., Political Economy and the Changing Global Order (London:Macmillian, 1994), p.71.
    79 Walter Mattli, The Logic of Regional Integration:Europe and Beyond (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1971), pp.55-66.
    80 耿协峰:《新区域主义研究不同视角的评析》,载《国际政治研究》,2001年第1期,第118-123页。
    81 K. Dodds, "The Geopolitics of Regionalism:The Valdivia Group and Southern Hemispheric Environmental Co-operation," Third World Quarterly, Vol.19, No.4 (1998), pp.725-743; B. Hettne et al., ed., Globalism and the New Regionalism (London:Macmillan Press,1999); P. Stalgren, Regional Public Goods and the Future of International Development Cooperation. A Review of the Literature on Regional Public Goods; Kazuo Nukazawa, "Interdependence and Regionalism," International Affairs, Vol.42 (Fall 1988), p.46.
    82 Fred H. Lawson, "Comparing Regionalis Projects in the Middle East and Elsewhere:One Step Back, Two Steps Forward," in Cilja Harders and Matteo Legrenzi, eds.. Beyond Regionalism? Regional Cooperation, Regionalism and Regionalization in the Middle East (Hampshire:Ashgate Publishing Limited,2008), p.16.
    83 庞中英:《地区化、地区性与地区主义——论东亚地区主义》,载《世界经济与政治》,2003年第11期,第8-13页。
    84 陈峰君、祁建华编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》,第79页。
    85 Fredrik Soderbaum and Timothy M. Shaw, Theories of New Regionalism:A Palgrave Reader International Political Economy Series (New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2003), p.1.
    86 Norman D. Palmer, The New Regionalism in Asia and the Pacific (Lexington:Lexington Books,1991), pp.1-19.
    87 George Howard Joffe, "Preface, Regionalism—A New Paradigm?" in Mario Tello, ed., European Union and New Regionalism, Regional Actors and Global Governnance in a Post-hegemonic Era (Ashgate:Aldershot,2001).
    88 Fredrik Soderbaum, "Rethinking the New Regionalism", Paper for the XIII Nordic Science Association Meeting, Aalbog,15-17 August 2002, pp.3-13.
    89 Patrik Stalgren, "Regional Public Goods and the Future of International Development Cooperation:A Review of the Literature on Regional Public Goods," p.30.
    90 代表性的研究有:C. Kowalczyk and R. Wannacott, "Hubs and Spokes, and Free Trade in the Americas," National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No.4198; P. R. Krugman, "The Hub Effect Or Threeness in Interregional Trade," in W. J. Ethier and E. Helpman, eds., Theory, Policy and Dynamics in International Trade (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1993); D. Puga and A. J. Venables, "Preferential trading arrangements and industrial location," World Bank Economic Review, Vol.12, pp.221-249.
    91 Amitav Acharya, Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia:ASEAN and the Problems of Regional Order (London:Routledge,2000), pp.3-4.
    92 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., eds., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia (London: World Scientific Publishing,2009), p.216.
    93 陈峰君、祁建华编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》,第54页。
    94 [美]艾尔·巴比著:《社会研究方法》(第10版),邱泽奇译,北京:华夏出版社,2005年版,第287页。
    1 谭雅玲、王中海著:《国际金融与国家利益》,北京:时事出版社,2002年版,第12页。
    2 [美]斯蒂芬·哈格德著:《亚洲金融危机的政治经济学》,刘丰译,吉林出版集团,2009年版,第15页。
    3 [比]亚历山大·兰姆弗赖斯著:《新兴市场国家的金融危机》,周凯、钟锦译,成都:西南财经大学出版社,2002年版,第61页。
    4 刘力臻著:《国际金融危机四重分析》,长春:东北师范大学出版社,2002年版,第119页。
    5 [美]巴瑞·易臣格瑞著:《迈向新的国际金融体系:亚洲金融危机后的思考》,成小洲、李莹译,北京出版社,2000年版,第3页。
    6 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融—体化研究》,第45页。
    7 华盛顿共识(Washington Consensus)是美联储、美国财政部、IMF,世界银行的经济学家们在发展上达成的一种共识,包括10个方面:1.加强财政纪律,管住政府预算赤字;2.让公共开支转向既可以产生高经济效益、又可以改善收入分配的方面;3.改革税收制度,降低名义税率,扩大税收基础;4.放开利率;5.采用竞争性的汇率;6.实行贸易自由化;7.放开对外国直接投资的管制;8.私有化,促进企业效率;9.放松管制,取消进出口限制;10.保证产权。参见参见丁一凡著:《平衡木上的金融游戏——从债务危机到金融危机》,北京:华夏出版社,2002年版,第345-346页。
    Luiz Fernando de Paula, "Financial Liberalization, Exchange Rate Regime and Economic Performance in BRICs Countries," in Philip Arestis and Luiz Fenando de Paula, Financial Liberalization and Economic Performance in Emerging Countries (New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008), p.59.
    9 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,第128页。
    10 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., eds., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.110.
    11 刘力臻著:《国际金融危机四重分析》,第105页。
    12 Robert Wade, "The Asian Debt-and-Development Crisis of 1997-? Causes and Consequences," World Development, Vol.26, No.8 (1998), p.1536.
    13 [比]亚历山大·兰姆弗赖斯著:《新兴市场国家的金融危机》,第29页。
    14 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第143页。
    15 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,第25页。
    16 [日]林直道著:《危机与萧条的经济理论——对日、美及东亚经济衰退的剖析》,江瑞平等译,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005年版,第194页。
    17 [比]亚历山大·兰姆弗赖斯著:《新兴市场国家的金融危机》,第61-62页。
    18 Robert Wade, "The Asian Crisis and the Global Economy:Causes, Consequences, and Cure," Current History, Vol.97, No.622 (November 1998), p.362.
    19 Haruhiko Kuroda and Masahiro Kawai, "Strengthening Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia," in Gordon de Brouwer and Yunjong Wang, Financial Governance in East Asia:Policy Dialogue, Surveillance and Cooperation, p.136.
    Robert Wade, "The Asian Debt-and-development Crisis of 1997-? Causses and Consequences," p.1543.
    21 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第44页。
    22 [美]巴瑞·易臣格瑞著:《迈向新的国际金融体系:亚洲金融危机后的思考》,第13页。
    23 Barry Eichengreen, "Hanging together? On Monetary and Financial Cooperation," Paper prepared for the World Bank conference on East Asia after the crisis, Oct.2001, p.1.
    24 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,陈敏强译,北京:中国金融出版社,2005年版,第9页。
    Suthiphand Chirathivat, "ASEAN's Role and Interests in the Formation of East Asian Economic Rgionalism," in Paul J. J. Welfens et al., eds.. Integration in Asia and Europe:Historical Dynamics, Political Issues, and Economic Perspectives (Heidelberg:Springer,2006), p.80.
    26 Yung Chul Park and Charles Wyplosz, Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia:The Relevance of European Experience (New York:Oxford University Press,2010), p.26.
    27 丁一凡著:《平衡木上的金融游戏——从债务危机到金融危机》,第104页。
    28 [美]巴瑞·易臣格瑞著:《迈向新的国际金融体系:亚洲金融危机后的思考》,第14页。
    29 Zhang Yunling, China and Asian Regionalism (Singapore:World Scientific Publishing,2010), p.11.
    30 Shamshad Akhtar, "Economic Integration in East Asia:Trends, Challenges and Opportunities," http://www.adb.org/Documents/Events/2004/Economic-Integration-East-Asia/Economic-Integration.pdf, p.1登录时间:2010年6月15日。
    31 Yung Chul Park and Kee-Hong Bae, "Financial Liberalization and Economic Integration in East Asia," PECC Finance Forum Conference, Aug.11-13,2002, p.1. http://www.obela.org/system/files/Financial+Libe ralization+and+Economic+Integration+in+East+Asia.pdf. 登陆时间:2010年8月12日.
    32 这里是东盟5个创始成员国,即新加坡、泰国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚和菲律宾。在本研究中,关于目前东盟10国加上中日韩三国的名称,都简称为东盟10+3。
    33 Ulrich Volz, Prospects for Monetary Cooperation and Integration in East Asia (Cambridge:the MIT Press,2010), p.36.
    34 冯邦彦、武艳杰:《亚洲金融合作与“亚元”的前景》,载《当代亚太》,2003年第1期,第47页。
    35 Dilip K. Das, Asian Economy and Finance:A Post-Crisis Perspective (New York:Springer Science,2005), p.247.
    36 余永定等:《亚洲金融合作:背景、最新进展与发展前景》,载《国际金融研究》,2002年第2期,第8-9页。
    37 李富有著:《区域货币合作:理论、实践与亚洲的选择》,北京:中国金融出版社,2004年版,第178页。
    38 Yongding Yu, "Toward East Asian Monetary and Financial Cooperation:A Chinese Perspective," in Duck-koo Chung and Barry Eichengreen, eds., Toward an East Asian Exchange Rate Regime (Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,2007), p.51.
    39 于同申著:《国际货币区域化与发展中国家的金融安全》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005年版,第244页。
    40 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., eds., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.217.
    41 货币互换系指同意以一种货币兑换另一种货币,并在未来某一日期再将该货币换回。货币互换涉及两项同时发生的交易:(1)即期交易,即以即期汇率进行的回避交换。(2)远期交易,即在确定的时间以确定的汇率对货币交换做逆向交易。做逆向交易的汇率可以是市场的即期汇率、市场的远期汇率或协定汇率。利息通常是按货币互换协议下的货币互换余额支付的。货币互换的期限通常为3个月,可选择展期。参见[美]c·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第27页。
    42 Eisuke Sakakibara and Sharon Yamakawa, "Regional Integration in East Asia:Challenges and Opportunities," World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No.3079, June 2003, p.61.
    43 Kathie Krumm and Homi Kharas, eds., East Asia Integrates:A Trade Policy Agenda for Shared Growth (Wshington, D.C.:the World Bank,2004), p.45.
    44 Ulrich Volz, Prospects for Monetary Cooperation and Integration in East Asia, p.36.
    45 Yongding Yu, "Toward East Asian Monetary and Financial Cooperation:A Chinese Perspective," p.51.
    46 Hee-Yul Chai and Deok Ryong Yoon, "The Connections Between Financial and Monetary Cooperation in East Asia," in Duck-koo Chung and Barry Eichengreen, eds.. Fostering Monetary and Financial Cooperation in East Asia (Singapore:World Scientific Publishing,2009), p.31.
    47 何帆等:《对“清迈协议”的评估及改革建议》,载《国际金融研究》,2005年第7期,第19页。
    48 吴晓灵:《东亚金融合作:成因、进展及发展方向》,载《国际金融研究》,2007年第8期,第6页。
    49 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.216.
    50 张蕴岭、张斌:《东亚金融合作的进展与未来的选择》,载《当代亚太》,2002年第8期,第5页。
    51 [加]刘易斯·w·保利著:《金融一体化与全球政治》,王徽、华玮玮译,北京:新华出版社,2001年版,第31页。
    52 Pradumna B. Rana, "Monetary And Financial Cooperation In East Asia:The Chiang Mai Initiative and Beyond," ERD Working Paper No.6, February 2002, Asian Development Bank, p.5.
    53 《第十二届东盟+中日韩财长会联合声明》,中华人民共和国财政部。
    54 Joint Press Release on Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization (CMIM) Comes into Effect on the 24th of March, 2010, http://www.mof.go.jp/english/if/100324press_release.pdf.
    55 Graham Bird and Ramkishen Rajan, "Too Much of a Good Thing:The Adequacy of International Reserves in the Aftermath of Crises," p.888.
    56 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.217.
    57 Haruhiko Kuroda and Masahiro Kawai, "Strengthening Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia," p.144-145.
    58 Barry Eichengreen, "Hanging together? On Monetary and Financial Cooperation in Asia," pp.1-2.
    59 财政部,《“10+3区域外汇储备库”》,http://www.mof.gov.cn/zhuantihuigu/12jiecaizhenghui/caijinghezuocha ngshi/200904/t20090429_138272.html,登录时间2010年10月25日。
    60 《第十二届东盟+中日韩财长会联合声明》, 中华人民共和国财政部网站,http://www.mof.gov.cn/mof/zhuantihuigu/12jiecaizhenghui/lijieshengming/200905/t20090508_141000.html,登陆时间2009年10月10日。
    61 Wen Jin Yuan and Melissa Murphy, "Regional Monetary Cooperation in East Asia----Should the United States Be Concerned?" Report of the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies, Nov.2010.
    62 Robert Wade, "The Asian Crisis and the Global Economy:Causes, Consequences, and Cure," p.371.
    63 根据黄拯:《区域外汇储备库意义何在》,载《时事报告》,2009年第6期等相关资料整理而得。
    64 张宇、齐昊:《从马克思主义经济学的观点看当前的金融危机》,《金融危机的政治经济学分析》(张宇编),北京:经济科学出版社,2009年版,第62页。
    65 周宇:《试论国际金融体系改革》,载《世界经济研究》,2009年第5期,第23页。
    66 损失厌恶是指消费者的倾向是比起消费的增加,他们对于消费的减少更敏感。参见:Joshua Aizenman and Nancy Marion, "The High Demand for International Reserves in the Far East:What's Going on?" Journal of Japanese and International economics, Vol.17 (2003), p.394.
    67 Joshua Aizenman and Nancy Marion, "The High Demand for International Reserves in the Far East:What's Going on?" p.371.
    68 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., eds., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.209.
    69 Eisuke Sakakibara and Sharon Yamakawa, "Regional Integration in East Asia:Challenges and Opportunities," p.62.
    70 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第45页。
    71 尤马斯阿奎著:《改革金融体系问题与建议》,第78页。
    72 Haruhiko Kuroda and Masahiro Kawai, "Strengthening Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia," p.134.
    73 Stanley Fischer, "Opening Remarks," on IMF/World Bank International Reserves:Policy Issues Forum In Washington D.C. on April 28,2001, http://www.imf.org/external/np/speeches/2001/042801.HTM登录时间2010年3月23日。
    74 Shamshad Akhtar, "Economic Integration in East Asia:Trends, Challenges and Opportunities," p.2.
    75 Haruhiko Kuroda and Masahiro Kawai, "Strengthening Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia," p.141.
    76 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.217.
    77 王庭东:《论东亚新地区主义》,载《当代亚太》,2003年第1期,第56页。
    78 雷良海、魏遥:《美国次贷危机的传导机制》,载《世界经济研究》,2009年第1期,第30页。
    79 章奇等:《金融自由化、政策一致性和金融脆弱性:理论框架与经验证据》,载《世界经济》,2003年第 12期,第5页。
    Masayuki Tadokoro, "The Asian Financial Crisis and Japanese Policy Reactions," in Geoffrey R. D. Underhill and Xiaoke Zhang, eds., International Financial Governance under Stress:Global Structures versus National Imperatives (New York:Cambridge University Press,2004), p.232.
    81 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第55页。
    Andrew Baker et al., "Financial Globalization and Multi-level Governance," in Andrew Baker et al., eds., Governing Financial Globalization:International Political Economy and Multi-level Governance (New York: Routledge,2005), p.23.
    83 Katharina Holzinger, Transnational Common Goods:Strategic Constellations, Collective Action Problems, and Multi-level Provision (Palgrave Macmillan:New York,2008), p.1.
    84 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第12页。
    85 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.219.
    86 查尔斯·维普洛兹:《作为区域性公共产品的货币和金融安排——来自欧洲的视角》,张建新等译,《区域性公共产品:从理论到实践》(安东尼·埃斯特瓦多道尔等著),第133页。
    87 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.195.
    88 尤马斯阿奎著:《改革金融体系问题与建议》,第15页。
    89 Wen Jin Yuan and Melissa Murphy, "Regional Monetary Cooperation in East Asia:Should the United States Be Concerned?" p.1.
    90 雨轩:《建立东亚外汇储备库知易行难》,载《中国外汇》,2007年第6期,第7页。
    91 Andrew Baker, "The G-7 and Architecture Debates:Norms, Authority and Global Financial Governance," in Andrew Baker et al., eds.. Governing Financial Globalization:International Political Economy and Multi-level Governance, pp.324-325.
    92 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,第207页。
    93 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第12页。
    94 Takatoshi Ito, "Growth, crisis, and the future of economic recovery in East Asia," in Joseph E. Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf, eds.. Rethinking the East Asian Miracle (Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001), pp.55-94.
    95 Paul Masson, "Contagion:Monsoonal Effects, Spillovers, and Jumps Between Multiple Equilibria," IMF Working Paper No.98/142, Sept.1998, p.13.
    96 Graham Bird and Alistrair Milne, " Miracle to meltdown:A pathology of the East Asian financial crisis," Third World Quarterly, Vol.20, No.2 (1999), p.429.
    97 Neil Karunaratne, "Globalization, Crisis Contagion and the Reform of the International Financial Architecture," Discussion Paper No.300, University of Queensland, Australia, Jan.2002, p.14.
    98 [比]亚历山大·兰姆弗赖斯著:《新兴市场国家的金融危机》,第133页。
    99 Haruhiko Kuroda and Masahiro Kawai, "Strengthening Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia," p.146.
    100 Maurice Obstfeld and Alan M. Taylor, Global Capital Markets:Integration, Criss, and Growth (New York: Cambridge University Press,2004), p.172.
    101 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第53页。
    102 Joshua Aizenman and Nancy Marion, "The High Demand for International Reserves in the Far East:What's Going on?" p.397.
    103 Graham Bird and Ramkishen Rajan, "Too Much of a Good Thing:The Adequacy of International Reserves in the Aftermath of Crises," World Economy, Vol.26, No.6 (2003), p.887.
    104 Ibid, p.887.
    105 [美]c·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第120页。
    106 [加]刘易斯·w·保利著:《金融一体化与全球政治》,第162页。
    107 Swati R. Ghosh, East Asian Finance:The Road to Robust Markets (The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and The World Bank,2006), p.1.
    1 Peter J. Katzenstein, "Regionalism and Asia," in Shaun Breslin et al., eds.. New Regionalisms in the Global Political Economy:Theories and Cases (London:Routledge,2002), p.105.
    2 Hidetaka Yoshimatsu, The Political Economy of Regionalism in East Asia (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008), p.6.
    3 Pier Carlo Padoan, "The Political Economy of New Regionalism and World Governance," in Mario TELO, European Union and New Regionalism: Regional Actors and Global Governance in a Post-Hegemonic Era (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited,2007), p.39.
    4 Muthiah Alagappa, "Regionalism and Conflict Management: A Framework for Analysis," Review of International Studies, Vol.21 (1995), p.362.
    5 王学玉:《论地区主义及其对国际关系的影响》,载《现代国际关系》,2002年第8期,第29页。
    6 Christopher M. Dent, East Asian Regionalism (New York: Routledge,2008), p.7.
    7 Mary Farrell, "The Global Politics of Regionalism: An Introduction," in Mary Farrell et al., eds., Global Politics of Regionalism:Theory and Practice(London:Pluto Press,2005), p.8.
    8 Hidetaka Yoshimatsu, The Political Economy of Regionalism in East Asia, p.7.
    9 吴听春:《论地区一体化进程中的地区治理》,载《现代国际关系》,2002年第6期,第14页。
    10 郑先武:《“新区域主义”的核心特征》,载《国际观察》,2007年第5期,第58页。
    11 Shaun Breslin et al., "Regions in Comparative Perspective," in Shaun Breslin et al., eds., New Regionalisms in the Global Political Economy:Theories and Cases, p.16.
    12 James Wesley Scott, "New Regionalism and Evolving Territorialities of the State," in James W. Scott, De-coding New Regionalism:Shifting Socio-political contexts in Central Europe and Latin America (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited,2009), p.251.
    13 Norman D. Palmer, The New Regionalism in Asia and the Pacific, p.39.
    14 Bjorn Hettne and Fredrik Soderbaum, "Theorising the rise of regionness," in Shaun Breslin et al., eds., New Regionalisms in the Global Political Economy:Theories and Cases, p.33.
    15 Louise Fawcett, "Regionalism in Historical Perspective," in Louise Fawcett and Andrew Hurrell, eds., Regionalism in World Politics:Regional Organization and International Order, pp.17-30.
    16 Christopher M. Dent, East Asian Regionalism, p.109.
    17 Marco Ferroni, "Regional Public Goods in Official Development Assistance," in Marco Ferroni and Ashoka Mody, International Public Goods: Incentives, Measurement, and Financing (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002), p.158.
    18 Robert Gilpin, "Economic Change and the Challenge of Uncertainty," in Robert S. Ross ed., East Asia in Transition, Toward a New Regional Oder (Singapore:ISEAS,1995), p.18.
    19 Andrew Wyatt-Walter, " Regionalism, Globalization, and World Economic Order," p.77.
    20 韦红著:《地区主义视野下的中国-东盟合作研究》,北京:世界知识出版社,2006年版,第34页。
    21 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.215.
    22 Hidetaka Yoshimatsu, The Political Economy of Regionalism in East Asia (New York:Palgrave Macmillan, 2008), p.38.
    23 Heribert Deter and Richard Higgot, "The New Monetary Regionalism:The East Asian Financial Caucus Takes Shape," Financial Times, August 12,2000 and Heribert Dieter, "Asia's Monetary Regionalism," Far Eastern Economic Review, July 6 2000.
    24 Heribert Deter and Richard Higgot, "Exploring Alternative Theories of Economic Regionalism: From Trade to Finance in Asian Cooperation?" Review of International Political Economy,,Vol.10, No.3 (August 2003), pp.430-454.
    25 陈峰君、祁建华编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》,第157页。
    26 Heribert Dieter, "Monetary Regionalism: Regional Integration without Financial Crises," CSGR Working Paper No.52/2000.
    27 Marco Ferroni, "Regional Public Goods and the Regional Development Banks," on Financing for Development: Regional Challenges and the Regional Development Banks at the Center for Global Development in Washington D.C. in 2002,p.l.
    28 李增刚:《全球公共产品:定义、分类及其供给》,载《经济评论》,2006年第1期,第131页。
    29 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第57页。
    30 Marco Ferroni, International Public Goods, Incentives, Measurement, p.157.
    31 Mancur Olson, "Increasing the Incentives for International Cooperation," pp.866-874.
    32 Bruce M. Russett and J. Sullivan, "Collective Goods and International Organization," International Organization, Vol.25, No.4 (1971), pp.845-865.
    33 参见Inge Kaul et al., eds., Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century (New York: Oxford University Press,1999).
    34 樊勇明:《区域性国际公共产品——解析区域合作的另一个理论视点》,第7页。
    35 Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner, "The New Wave of Regionalism," pp.589-627.
    36 Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.ll.
    37 David A. Lake and Patrick M. Morgan, eds., Regional orders: Building Security in a New World (University Park; the Pennsylvania State University Press,1997), p.48.
    Mary Farrell, "The Global Politics of Regionalism:An Introduction," in Mary Farrell et al., eds., Global Politics of Regionalism:Theory and Practice, p.8.
    Marco Ferroni, "Regional Public Goods and the Regional Development Banks," p.3.
    40 耿协峰:《“新地区主义”研究——不同视角的评析》,载《世界经济与政治》,2001年第1期,第24页。
    41 [美]曼库尔·奥尔森著:《集体行动的逻辑》,陈郁等译,上海人民出版社,1996年版,第74页。
    42 王正毅著:《边缘地带发展论:世界体系与东南亚的发展》,上海人民出版社,1997年版,第247-261页。
    43 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第8页。
    Adam Przeworski, States and Markets:A Primer in Political Economy (New York:Cambridge University Press, 2003), p.31.
    Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.10.
    46 K. Bezanson and F. Sagasti, "International Public Goods:Challenges, Problems and the Way Forward," IDS (Institute of Development Studies Sussex), draft report submitted to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Sweden. September 2001
    47 James M. Buchanan, The Demand and Supply of Public Goods (Indianapolis:Liberty Fund,1999), p.68.
    Gordon de Brouwer and Yunjong Wang, Financial Governance in East Asia:Policy dialogue, Surveillance and Cooperation, p.217.
    49 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第5页。
    50 帕特里克·斯塔尔格林著:《区域性公共产品与国际发展合作的未来——区域性公共产品文献综述》,杨国庆译,《区域性公共产品:从理论到实践》(安东尼·埃斯特瓦多道尔等著),第407页。
    Daniel G. Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and D-velopment Assistance, p.8.
    52 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第71页。
    53 丹尼斯·C·缪勒著:《公共选择理论》,杨春学等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1999年版,第33页。
    54 同上,第35页。
    55 P. Stalgren, "Regional Public Goods and the Future of International Development Co-operation:A review of the Literature on Regional Public Goods," p.11.
    56 Ravi Kanbur, "Cross-Border Externalities, International Public Goods and Their Implications for Aid Agencies," Comments for Conference on Global Tensions in honor of Ester Boserup, Cornell University, March, 2001, http://www.kanbur.aem.cornell.edu/papers/IPGWB.pdf, p.3.
    57 F. Sagasti and K. Bezanson, "Financing and Providing Global Public Goods:Expectations and Prospects," report prepared on behalf of the Institute of Development Studies for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Stockholm.
    58 Todd Sandler, "Global and Regional Public Goods:A Prognosis for Collective Action," pp.221-247.
    59 樊勇明:《区域性国际公共产品——解析区域合作的另一个理论视点》,第12页。
    60 Helmut Reisen et al., "Financing Global and Regional Public Goods Through ODA:Analysis and Evidence from the OECD Creditor Reporting System," OECD Working Paper No.232, p.12.
    61 Ibid, p.18.
    62 非排他性取决于公共产品的纯度。
    63 关于持续性的特性,很多学者并没有单独列出或者认为它是属性之一,这里列出来是为了增加定义的广泛性。
    64 Marco Ferroni and Ashoka Mody, "Global Incentives for International Public Goods:Introduction and Overview," in Marco Ferroni and Ashoka Mody, International Public Goods:Incentives, Measurement, and Financing, pp.6-7.
    65 Marco Ferroni, "Reforming Foreign Aid:The Role of International Public Goods," Operations Evaluation Department Working Paper Series No.4, World Bank, Washington, D.C.,2000.
    66 Marco Ferroni, "Regional Public Goods in Official Development Assistance," in Marco Ferroni and Ashoka Mody, International Public Goods:Incentives, Measurement, and Financing, p.158.
    67 P. Stalgren, "Regional Public Goods and the Future of International Development Co-operation:A review of the Literature on Regional Public Goods," p.15.
    68 Albert Binger, "Global Public Goods and Potential Mechanisms for Financing Availability," background paper prepared for the Fifth Session of the Committee for Development Policy meeting, April 7-11,2003, p.11. http://ww.un.org/esa/policy/devplan/al_binger.pdf. 登陆时间:2010年11月3日。
    69 Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing and Development Assistance, p.11.
    70 Ibid,p.17.
    71 Albert Binger, "Global Public Goods and Potential Mechanisms for Financing Availability," p.11.
    72 Christopher D. Gerrard et al., eds., "Global Public Policies and Program:Implications for Financing and Evaluation", Proceedings from a World Bank Workshop, June 2006, pp.189-190.
    73 R. Cornesand T. Sandler, "Easy Riders, Joint Production, and Public Goods," Economic Journal, Vol.94, No.3 (1984), pp.580-598.
    74 Albert Binger, "Global Public Goods and Potential Mechanisms for Financing Availability," p.12.
    75 Todd Sandler, "Regional Public Goods and International Organization," The Review of International Organizations, Vol.1, No.l (March 2006), p.7.
    76 Daniel G. Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.21.
    M. Ferroni, "Regional Public Goods in Official development Assistance," Occasional Paper No.11, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington,2001, p.31.
    78 Albert Binger, "Global Public Goods and Potential Mechanisms for Financing Availability," p.12.
    Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.11.
    80 P. Anand, "Financing the Provision of Global Public Goods," Discussion paper No.2002/110, World Institute for Development and Economic Research (WIDER).
    81 J. Murdock et al., "A Tale of two Collectives:Sulphur versus Nitrogen Oxides Emission Reduction in Europe," Economica, Vol.64, No.2 (1997), pp.281-357.
    82 R. Cornes and T. Sandler, The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Club Goods, p.19.
    Olga Memedovic, ed., Public Goods for Economic Development (Vienna:UNIDO,2008), p.10.
    84 Katharina Holzinger, Transnational Common Goods:Strategic Constellations, Collective Action Problems, and Multi-level Provison (New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008), p.77.
    85 P. Stalgien, "Regional Public Goods and the Future of International Development Co-operation:A review of the Literature on Regional Public Goods," p.25.
    86 J. Hirshleifer, "From Weakest Link to Best Shot:The Voluntary Provision of Public Goods," Public Choice, Vol.41 (1983), pp.371-386.
    87 Marco Ferroni, International Public Goods, Incentives, Measurement, p.98.
    88 Simon Vicary and Todd Sandler, "Weakest-link Public Goods:Giving In-kind or Transferring Money," European Economic Review, Vol.46 (2002), p.1502.
    89 T. Sandler, "Global and Regional Public Goods:A Prognosis for Collective Action," pp.221-247.
    90 Olga Memedovic, ed., Public Goods for Economic Development, p.10.
    91 O. Morrissey et al., "Defining International Public Goods:Conceptual Issues," in M. Ferroni and A. Mody, eds., International Public Goods:Incentives, Measurements and Financing (Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002), p.65.
    92 Daniel G. Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.32.
    93 P. Stalgren, "Regional Public Goods and the Future of International Development Co-operation:A review of the Literature on Regional Public Goods," p.33..
    94 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第98页。
    95 A. Breton, "A Theory of Government Grants," Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, Vol.31, No.2 (1965), pp.147-157; M.Olson, "The Principle of 'Fiscal Equivalence':The Division of Responsibilities Among Different Levels of Government," American Economic Review, Vol.59, No.2 (1969), pp.479-487.
    96 Daniel G. Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.37.
    97 Todd Sandler, "Regional Public Goods and International Organization," p.15.
    98 Daniel G. Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.6.
    99 Ravi Kanbur, "Cross-Border Externalities, International Public Goods and Their Implications for Aid Agencies," p.6.
    100 Daniel G. Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.38.
    101 Antoni Estevadeordal, et al., eds., Regional Public Goods:From Theory to Practice, p.21.
    102 K. Siqueira, "Common Agency and Partial Cooperation," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol.3, No.3 (2001), pp.309-339.
    103 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第60页。
    104 樊勇明:《区域性国际公共产品——解析区域合作的另一个理论视点》,第13页。
    105 布鲁斯.拉西特、哈维.斯塔尔著:《世界政治》,第380-382页。
    106 D. Kapur, "The Common Pool Dilema of Global Public Goods:Lessons from the World Bank's Net Income and Reserves," World Development, Vol.30, No.3 (2002), pp.337-354.
    107 Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.28.
    108 Ibid, p.2.
    109 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第16页。
    110 樊勇明等著:《公共经济学》,上海:复旦大学出版,2007年版,第59页。
    111 Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.31.
    112 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第32页。
    113 Scott Barrett, Why Cooperate? The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods (New York:Oxford University of Press,2007), p.103.
    114 Marco Ferroni, "Regional Public Goods and the Regional Development Banks," p.12.
    115 Albert Binger, "Global Public Goods and Potential Mechanisms for Financing Availability," p.11.
    116 Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.41.
    117 P. Stalgren, "Regional Public Goods and the Future of International Development Co-operation:A review of the Literature on Regional Public Goods," p.37.
    118 Scott Barrett, Why Cooperate? The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods, p.104.
    119 Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.36.
    120 Marco Ferroni, "Regional Public Goods and the Regional Development Banks," p.6.
    121 杨国庆等:《西方地区公共产品理论及其政策意义》,《国际公共产品与地区合作》复旦国际关系评论第九辑(张建新等编),上海人民出版社,2009年版,第19页。
    122 卢光盛:《地区公共产品分析——以GMS为例》,《国际公共产品与地区合作》复旦国际关系评论第九辑(张建新等编),第269-270页。
    123 R.J. Barry Jones, Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy (New York:Routledge,2001), Volume 2, pp.974-975.
    124 Heribert Deter and Richard Higgot, "Exploring alternative theories of economic regionalism:from trade to finance in Asian Cooperation?" Review of International Political Economy, Vol.10, No.3 (August 2003), p.434.
    125 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第31页。
    126 Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.32-33.
    127 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.112.
    128 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第86页。
    129 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第3页。
    130 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,第34页。
    131 陈峰君、祁建华编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》,第84页。
    132 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第38页。
    133 亚洲开发银行编:《东亚货币与金融一体化——发展前景》,第400页。
    134 王志民等著:《东亚区域经济合作的政治因素及中国的对策》,第211页。
    135 Marco Ferroni, "Regional Public Goods in Official Development Assistance," p.159.
    136 王志民等著:《东亚区域经济合作的政治因素及中国的对策》,第212页。
    137 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第7页。
    138 P. Stalgren, "Regional Public Goods and the Future of International Development Co-operation:A review of the Literature on Regional Public Goods," p.40.
    139 阮宗泽:《中国崛起与东亚国际秩序的转型——共有利益的塑造与扩展》,北京大学出版社,2007年版,第107页。
    1 Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.14.
    2 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第64页。
    Antoni Estevadeordal et al., eds., Regional Public Goods:From Therory to Practice, p.1.
    4 [美]英吉·考尔等编:《全球化之道》,第78-79页。
    5 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第3页。
    Philip G Cerny, "Globalization and Other Stories:the Search for a New Paradigm for International Relations," International Journal, (Autumn 1996), p.189.
    7 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第92页。
    8 同上,第6页。
    9 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,第70页。
    Haruhiko Kuroda and Masahiro Kawai, "Strengthening Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia," p.139.
    11 Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.13.
    Yung Chul Park and Charles Wyplosz, Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia:The Relevance of European Experience, p.9.
    13 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,第251页。
    14 Daniel G Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.31.
    15 谭雅玲、王中海著:《国际金融与国家利益》,第9页。
    Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.219.
    17 Yunjong Wang, "Instruments and Techniques for Financial Cooperation," in Gordon de Brouwer and Yunjong Wang, Financial Governance in East Asia:Policy Dialogue, Surveillance and Cooperation, p.189.
    18 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第114页。
    19 [加]刘易斯·W·保利著:《金融一体化与全球政治》,第4页。
    Ravi Kanbur, "Cross-Border Externalities, International Public Goods and Their Implications for Aid Agencies," p.3.
    21 Marco Ferroni, International Public Goods, Incentives, Measurement, p.76.
    22 尤马斯阿奎著:《改革金融体系问题与建议》,第xv页。
    23 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,第229页。
    O. R. Young, Creating Regimes:Arctic Records and International Governance (New York:Cornell University Press,1998), p.38.
    D. G. Arce M., "Leadership and the Aggregation of International Collective Action," Oxford Economics Papers, Vol.53, No.2(2001), pp.114-137.
    Marco Ferroni, International Public Goods, Incentives, Measurement, p.2.
    27 Daniel G. Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.2.
    28 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第57页。
    29 [加]刘易斯·W·保利著:《金融一体化与全球政治》,第157页。
    30 Daniel G. Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, p.1.
    31 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第4页。
    32 [美]巴瑞·易臣格瑞著:《迈向新的国际金融体系》,第1页。
    33 Marco Ferroni, "Regional Public Goods and the Regional Development Banks," p.4.
    Paul R. Masson, "Contagion-Monsoonal Effects, Spillovers, and Jumps Between Multiple Equilibria," IMF Working Paper No.98/102, Sept.,1998, p.4-5.
    35 Ramkishen S. Rajan, "Unilateral, regional and multilateral options for East Asia," in Gordon de Brouwer and Yunjong Wang, Financial Governance in East Asia:Policy Dialogue, Surveillance and Cooperation, p.243.
    36 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.xvii.
    37 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第70页。
    38 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第116页。
    39 特别提款权是指在国际货币基金组织之外,由国际货币基金组织分配给参加特别提款权账户的成员国一种自动的提款权,用以解决经常出现的国际储备不足的问题。它并不是一种现实的货币,不能直接便利地用于国际支付手段,不能用于贸易或非贸易支付,也不能兑换黄金。它是成员国在国际货币基金组织特别提款权账户上的一中账面资产。参见:王德迅、张金杰著:《国际货币基金组织》,第28页。
    40 SDR为特别提款权,这两项分别相当于1313亿美元和879亿美元。参见[美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第44页。
    41 IMF Survey Magazine, Nov.5,2010, http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/survey/so/2010/NEW110510B.htm.登录时间:2010年12月8日。
    42 谭雅玲、王中海著:《国际金融与国家利益》,第11页。
    43 Haruhiko Kuroda and Masahiro Kawai, "Strengthening Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia," p.139.
    44 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第103页。
    46 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,第251页。
    47 Jeffrey A. Frankel, Regional Trading Blocs in the World Economic System (Washington:Institute for International Economics,1977), p.8.
    R.J. Barry Jones, Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy, Volume 3, p.1443.
    49 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,第69页。
    Ravi Kanbur, "Cross-Border Externalities, International Public Goods and Their Implications for Aid Agencies," p.6.
    51 Marco Ferroni, International Public Goods, Incentives, Measurement, p.97.
    52 P. C. Padoan, "Regional Agreements as Clubs:The European Case," in E. D. Mansfield and H.V. Milner, eds., The Political Economy of Regionalism (New York:Cambridge University Press,1997), p.109.
    53 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第46页。
    54 谢世清著:《东亚金融危机的根源与启示》,第206页。
    Hyman P. Minsky, John Maynard Keynes (New York:Columbia University Press,1975), p.80.
    56 尤马斯阿奎著:《改革金融体系问题与建议》,第86页。
    57 樊勇明:《区域性国际公共产品——解析区域合作的另一个理论视点》,第7页。
    58 Natasha Hamilton-Halt, "Financial Cooperation and Domestic Political Economy in East Asia," in Melissa G. Curley and Nicholas Thomas, eds., Advancing East Asian Regionalism (New York: Routledge,2007), pp.116-117.
    59 Marco Ferroni, International Public Goods, Incentives, Measurement, p.160.
    60 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第8页。
    61 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.210-211.
    62 刘力臻著:《国际金融危机四重分析》,第299页。
    63 [加]刘易斯·w·保利著:《金融一体化与全球政治》,第25页。
    64 刘沛志著:《东亚地区汇率协调机制的建立》,第185页。
    65 Swati R. Ghosh, East Asian Finance: The Road to Robust Markets, p.29.
    1 包括此处在内,本研究所比较的欧洲就是指欧盟。为便于论述,本文所有涉及“欧盟”、“欧洲经济共同体”及“欧洲共同体”等名称,都不做严格的区分。
    2 Barry Eichengreen and Peter B. Kenen, "Managing the World Economy under the Bretton Woods System:An Overview," in Peter B. Kenen., ed., Managing the World Economy:Fifty Years After Bretton Woods (Washington: Institute for international economics,1994), p.176.
    3 周建平著:《欧洲一体化的政治经济学》,上海:复旦大学,2002年版,第281页。
    4 赵秀臣、汤传锋编:《欧元解析》,北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2000年版,第41页。
    5 这十个国家分别是:美国、英国、法国、德国、比利时、意大利、荷兰、瑞典,加拿大和日本。
    6 [荷]汉克·V·盖默特、陈雨露等著:《欧元与国际货币竞争》,北京:中国金融出版社,1999年版,第13页。
    7 Amy Verdun, European Responses to Globalization and Financial Market Integration:Perceptions of Economic and Monetary Union in Britain, France and Germany (London:Macmillan,2000), p.66.
    8 Chris Mulhearn and Howard R. Vane, The Euro:Its Origins, Development and Prospects (Northampton:Edward Elgar,2008), p.33.
    9 范幸丽、王晶著:《欧元》,北京:经济日报出版社,2005年版,第45页。
    10 [荷]汉克·V·盖默特、陈雨露等著:《欧元与国际货币竞争》,第21页。
    11 刘沛志著:《东亚地区汇率协调机制的建立》,第121页。
    12 范幸丽、王晶著:《欧元》,第48页。
    13 Amy Verdun, European Responses to Globalization and Financial Market Integration:Perceptions of Economic and Monetary Union in Britain, France and Germany, pp.81-82.
    14 Andrew Geddes, The European Union and British Politics (New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2004), p.146.
    15 周建平著:《欧洲一体化的政治经济学》,第305页。
    16 范幸丽、王晶著:《欧元》,第58页。
    17 Yunjong Wang, "Instruments and Techniques for Financial Cooperation," p.193.
    18 Donald Rutherford, Routledge Dictionary of Economics (New York:Routledge,2005), p.137.
    19 Yunjong Wang, "Instruments and Techniques for Financial Cooperation," p.193.
    20 ASEAN Secretariat, "Toward a Regional Financial Architecture for East Asia," Research paper and policy recommendations by Institute for Intternational Monetary Affairs, March 2004, p.6.
    21 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第71页。
    22 中期金融援助便利起初是用来为欧洲共同体所有成员国设计的。自从1999年以后,该便利只限非欧元区的欧盟成员国
    23 Julie McKay et al., "Regional Financing Arrangements and the Stability of the International Monetary System," German Development Institute Disscussion paper No.13/2000, pp.14-16.
    24 ASEAN Secretariat, "Toward a Regional Financial Architecture for East Asia," p.26.
    25 Yunjong Wang, "Instruments and Techniques for Financial Cooperation," p.193.
    26 杜厚文、王广中著:《欧元的世纪:欧洲经济与货币联盟理论与实践》,北京:法律出版社,2003年版,第145页。
    27 欧共体官方出版局编:《欧盟联盟条约》,苏明忠译,北京:国际文化出版公司,1999年版,第131-132页。
    28 Michele Chang, Realigning Interests Crisis and Credibility in European Monetary Integration (New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2004), p.159.
    29 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第28页。
    30 Shamshad Akhtar, "Economic Integration in East Asia:Trends, Challenges and Opportunities," p.2.
    31 [意]翁贝尔托·特留尔齐著:《从公共市场到单一货币》,张宓等译,北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2008年版,第67-68页。
    32 Frieden, Jeffry and Lisa Martin, "International Political Economy:The State of the Sub-Discipline," in Ira Katznelson and Helen Milner, Political Science:The State of the Discipline(New York:W.W. Norton,2002), p.10.
    33 Claire G. Gilmore and Ginette M. McManus, "The Impact of NAFTA on The Integration of The Canadian, Mexican, and U.S. Equity Market," in Alan M. Rugman, North American Economic and Financial Integration (Elsevier Ltd,2004), p.137-138.
    34 R.J. Barry Jones, Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy, Volume 2, pp.1146-1147.
    35 宫占奎等著:《区域经济组织研究》,北京:经济科学出版社,2000年版,第129页。
    36 Claire G. Gilmore and Ginette M. McManus, "The Impact of NAFTA on The Integration of The Canadian, Mexican, and U.S. Equity Market," p.138.
    37 A. Rugman, The End of Globalization:Why Global Strategy is a Myth and How to Profit from the Realities of Regional Markets (New York:American Management Association,2001), p.175.
    38 Julie McKay et al., "Regional Financing Arrangements and the Stability of the International Monetary System," p.18.
    39 Martin Coiteux, "North American Integration and The Single Currency?" in Alan M. Rugman, North American Economic and Financial Integration, p.175.
    40 GAO (US General Accounting Office), "Mexico's Financial Crisis:Origins, Awareness, Assistance, and Initial Efforts to Recover," Report GAO/GGD-96-56. Washington:US General Accounting Office, pp.82-83.
    41 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第67页。
    42 同上,第87页。
    43 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第35页。
    44 谭雅玲、王中海著:《国际金融与国家利益》,第201-202页。
    45 [加]刘易斯·w·保利著:《金融一体化与全球政治》,第158页。
    46 Andrew K. Rose, "One Money, One Market:Estimating the Effect of Common Currencies on Trade," Economic Policy,2000, p.27.
    47 Claire G Gilmore and Ginette M. McManus, "The Impact of NAFTA on the Integration of the Canadian, Mexican, and U.S. Equity Markets," p.138.
    48 查尔斯·维普洛兹:《作为区域性公共产品的货币和金融安排——来自欧洲的视角》,第135页。
    49 陈峰君、祁建华编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》,第228-231页。
    50 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.72.
    51 Shamshad Akhatar, "Economic Integration in East Asia:Trends Challenges and Opportunities," Speech at the Symposium on the Challenges and Opportunities of Economic Integration in East Asia, Asian Development Bank, Oct.27,2004.
    52 Eisuke Sakakibara and Sharon Yamakawa, "Regional Integration in East Asia:Challenges and opportuni ties," World Bank East Asia Project 2003, WPS3078, p.35, http://unpanl.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/docu ments/apcity/unpan024784.pdf.登录时间:2010年5月19日。
    53 万志宏著:《东亚货币合作的经济基础研究》,北京:中国商务出版社,2004年版,第209页。
    54 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第88页。
    55 Vito Tanzi, "The Production and Financing of Regional Public goods," IDB Occasional Papers, June 2005, p.6.
    56 陈峰君、祁建华编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》,第221-222页。
    57 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第26页。
    58 Wolfgang Moellers, "Can East Asia Have its Own Euro?" Straits Times, August 27,2002, p.39.
    59 谭雅玲、王中海著:《国际金融与国家利益》,第11页。
    60 刘沛志著:《东亚地区汇率协调机制的建立》,第65页。
    61 宫占奎等著:《区域经济组织研究》,第13页。
    62 Ross Garnaut and Peter Drysdale, eds., "Asia Pacific Regionalism:Readings in International Economic Relations, "p.65.
    63 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第110页。
    64 王峰:《东亚区域内贸易扩展的影响因素分析:来自中国的经验数据》,载《经济与管理研究》,2008第12期,第35页。
    65 Weidong Liu et al., "The Global Economic Crisis and China's Foreign Trade," Eurasian Geography and Economics, Vol.50, No.5,2009, p.507.
    66 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.xvi. 67 Ibid, p.110.
    68 [加]刘易斯·W·保利著:《金融一体化与全球政治》,第41页。
    69 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第101页。
    70 Ulrich Volz, "Three Cases for Monetary Integration in East Asia,"in Koichi Hamada et al., eds., Towards Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia (Cheltenham:Edward Elgar Publishing,2009), p.195.
    71 Ibid, p.196.
    72 中国人民大学金融与证券研究所课题组著:《亚洲金融一体化研究》,第41页。
    1 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第98页。
    2 Marco Ferroni, "Regional Public Goods and the Regional Development Banks," p.5.
    3 David Shambaugh, "China Engages Asia:Reshaping the Regional Order," International Security, Vol.29, No.3 (Winter 2004/05), p.66.
    4 Dilip K. Das, Asian Economy and Finance:A Post-Crisis Perspective, p.248.
    5 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,第84页
    6 陈峰君、祁建华编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》,第441页。
    7 [新]黄朝翰:《中国强劲的经济增长——从东亚邻国的角度看》,《亚洲区域合作的政治经济分析:制度建
    8 王志民等著:《东亚区域经济合作的政治因素及中国的对策》,第233页。
    9 John Wong and Sarah Chan, "China-Asean Free Trade Agreement:Shaping Future Economic Relations," Asian Survey, Vol.43, No.3 (May-Jun.,2003), p.526.
    10 Ulrich Volz, Prospects for Monetary Cooperation and Integration in East Asia, p.41.
    11 王逸舟: 《中国与多边外交》,载《世界经济与政治》,2001年第10期,第6页。
    12 王志民等:《东亚区域经济合作的政治因素及中国的对策》,第9页。
    13 [美]C·兰德尔·亨宁著:《东亚金融合作》,前言第1页。
    14 David Shambaugh, China Engages Asia:Reshaping the Regional Order, p.68.
    15 庞中英:《中国的亚洲战略,灵活的多边主义》,载《世界经济与政治》,2001年第10期,第34页。
    16 同上,第33页。
    17 Pradumna B. Rana, Monetary And Financial Cooperation In East Asia:The Chiang Mai Initiative and Beyond, p.9.
    18 工逸舟:《中国与多边外交》,第7页。
    19 王志民等著:《东亚区域经济合作的政治因素及中国的对策》,第16页。
    20 David Shambaugh, China Engages Asia:Reshaping the Regional Order, p.72.
    21 胡鞍钢、门洪华:《研究中国东亚一体化战略的重要意义》,《中国:东亚一体化新战略》(胡鞍钢、门洪华编),杭州:浙江人民出版社2005年版,第16页。
    22 陈峰君、祁建华编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》,第420页。
    23 王逸舟:《中国与多边外交》,第7页。
    24 Allen S. Whiting, "Chinese Foreign Policy Entering the Twenty-first Century," in Shalendra Sharma, ed., The Asia-Pacific in the New Millennium (Berkeley:Institute of East Asian Studies,2000), p.122.
    25 中国现代国际关系研究所东盟课题组:《中国对东盟政策研究报告》,载《现代国际关系》,2002年第10期,第6页。
    26 唐世平、张张蕴岭:《中国的地区战略》,载《世界经济与政治》,2004年第6期,第9页。
    27 陈峰君、祁建华编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》,第241页。
    28 Naoko Munakata, Transforming East Asia:The Evolution of Regional Economic Integration (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press,2006), p.12.
    29 Alice D. Ba, "China and ASEAN:Reinvigorating Relations for the 21st Century," p.641.
    30 柳剑平著:《当代国际经济关系政治化问题研究》,第215页。
    31 王逸舟:《全球政治与中国外交》,第287页。
    32 庞中英:《亚洲地区秩序的转变与中国》,载《外交评论》,2005年第4期,第48页。
    33 David Hale and Lyric Hugbes Hale, "China Takes Off," Foreign Affairs, Vol.82, No.6 (November/December 2003), pp.36-53.
    34 江忆恩:《中国参与国际体制的若干思考》,载《世界经济与政治》,1999年第7期,第5页。
    35 David Shambaugh, China Engages Asia:Reshaping the Regional Order, p.70.
    36 S. Hoadley and J.Yang, "China's Free Trade Negotiation:Economics, Security, and Diplomacy," in Saori N. Katada and Mireya Solis, eds., Cross Regional Trade Agreements:Understanding Permeated Regionalism in East Asia (Heidelberg:Springer,2007), p.124.
    37 唐小松:《三强共治:东亚区域一体化的必然选择》,载《现代国际关系》,2008年第2期,第15页。
    38 Helen E. S. Nesadurai, Globalisation, Domestic Politics and Regionalism:The ASEAN Free Trade Area (New York:Routledge,2003), p.21.
    39 门洪华:《聚焦东亚——中美的冲突与合作》,《中国:东亚一体化新战略》(胡鞍钢、门洪华编),第112页。
    40 David Shambaugh, China Engages Asia:Reshaping the Regional Order, p.92.
    1 Sally Sargeson, "Epilogue:Collective goods for collective futures," in Sally Sargeson, Collective Goods, Collective Futures in Asia (London:Routledge,2002), p.215.
    2 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.xv.
    3 J. S. Kim et al., "Reserve Adequacy in Asia Revisited:New Benchmarks Base on the Size and Composition of Capital Flow," in Monetary and Exchange Rate Arrangement in East Asia, Seoul (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy,2005), p.101.
    4 Ramkishen S. Rajan et al., Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia, p.193.
    5 刘沛志著:《东亚地区汇率协调机制的建立》,第211页。
    6 [加]刘易斯·w·保利著:《金融一体化与全球政治》,第163页。
    7 柳剑平著:《当代国际经济关系政治化问题研究》,第59页。
    8 Christopher M. Dent, "What Region to Lead? Developments in East Asian Regionalism and Questions of Regional Leadership," in Christopher M. Dent, ed., China, Japan and Regional Leadership in East Asia (Cheltenham:Edward Elgar Publishing,2008), p.4.
    [6]财政部.“10+3区域外汇储备库”[R]. http://www.mof.gov.cn/zhuantihui gu/12jiecaizhenghui/caijinghezuochangshi/200904/t20090429_138272.html,2010-10-6.
    [9]财政部.第十二届东盟+中日韩财长会联合声明[R]. http://www.mof.gov. cn/mof/zhuantihuigu/12jiecaizhenghui/lijieshengming/200905/t20090508_141000.ht ml,2010-5-10.
    [36]刘红忠.货币一体化:国际金融架构的新趋势[J].中国外汇管理, 2001(3).
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