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Objective:Guiding by the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, concluding and analyzing the functions of Gypsum Fibrosum and influence factors which can affect Gypsum Fibrosum's efficacy exertion direction in the formula by collecting.the theories and clinic practice experience of TCM doctors; and data statistics. to summarize the regulating skills and means of Gypsum Fibrosum's efficacy exertion direction in the formula systematically. To explain clearly;the compatibility skills and action mechanism of Gypsum Fibrosum's compatibility structure commonly used. Illustrating on Gypsum.Fibrosum's advantages and frauds used in clinic through summing up and analyzing the discuss and opinion related to Gypsum Fibrosum's adapting syndrome, compatibility, dose, processing, dosage, nature and flavor, usage, decocting and taking methods and side effect etc. accordingly, offering the relative all-around reference for using Gypsum Fibrosum rightly and effectively.
     Method:Firstly, collecting Gypsum Fibrosum-containing formula from "refined Prescription Dictionary in China". The data of 677 formulas with Gypsum Fibrosum were inputted in Micro-excel, using filtrated tools in it, adopting statistical methods of classification to discuss the effects on Gypsum Fibrosum's efficacy fulfilling by. those regulating factors, including compatibility, dosage, processing, usage, preparation,decocting and dosing. Summarizing the factors and. regulating means that influence the oriented exertion of Gypsum Fibrosum.in complex formulae.
     Results:The 12 leading categories of Chinese herbs are as follows: heat-clearing drugs, diaphoretic drugs, tonic, drugs of resolving sputum and soothing asthma, moving blood stasis herbs, drugs, of eliminating dampness through diuresis, drugs of calming the liver to stop wind, Qi-regulating herbs, herbs of discharging downwards, herbs of expelling wind and dampness, herbs of removing'toxin, corruption and promoting tissue regeneration and warming interior herbs. Dividing Gypsum Fibrosum into raw and char while summing up their flavors and natures, channel entry and functions separately. As for Crude Gypsum Fibrosum, its flavor is pungent sweet and tasteless, its nature,is slight cold or severe cold, its channel entry belongs to lung stomach and San Jiao Meridian. The oral raw Gypsum Fibrosum's function are expelling evils from muscles and exterior, clearing away heat and purging fire, clearing lung-heat and relieving asthma,, promoting-eruption and dissipating rashes, detoxifying and removing pestilence and replenishing fluid and quenching thirst, thereinto, expelling evils from muscles and exterior and clearing, away heat-fire belongs to the direct functions and clearing lung-heat and relieving asthma, promoting eruption and dissipating rashes, detoxifying and removing pestilence and replenishing fluid and quenching thirst are indirect.functions based on the direct ones. The function of raw Gypsum Fibrosum externally used is clearing away heat toxin and alleviating swelling and stop pain. As far as Processed Gypsum-Fibrosum, its flavor and nature is slight acerbity, cold and its channel entry belongs to lung and stomach meridian. The function of processed Gypsum Fibrosum externally used are promoting tissue regeneration and ulcer healing, removing dampness and relieving itching, arresting bleeding., The function of oral processed Gypsum Fibrosum is clearing away heat evil of lung and stomach. While crude Gypsum Fibrosum exerts the function of clearing away heat and purging fire, it commonly combines with zhimu huangqin and zhizi etc. The dose increases according to heat getting serious, The dose range is from 3 to 60 grams. Choosing commonly decoction pill and decoct-powder dosage. Commonly warm administration or taking with tea or.jingjie or bohe or honey or wine or ginger. While crude Gypsum Fibrosum exerts the function of expelling evils from muscles and exterior, it commonly combines with mahuang bohe jingjie fangfeng etc. The dose is small and the dose range is from 3 to 18 grams. Choosing commonly decoction pill powder and decoct-powder dosage. Commonly warm administration or taking with tea or jingjie or bohe or honey or wine or ginger. While crude Gypsum Fibrosum exerts the function of clearing lung-heat and relieving asthma, it commonly combines with mahuang xingren faxia etc. The dose is middle or big, The dose range is from 4.5 to 30 grams. Choosing commonly decoction pill powder and decoct-powder dosage. Commonly warm administration or taking with ginger. While crude Gypsum Fibrosum exerts the function of promoting eruption and dissipating rashes, it commonly combines with shengdi shengma xuanshen shantui etc. The dose is middle or big, The dose range is from 6 to 45 grams. Choosing commonly decoction and decoct-powder dosage. Commonly warm administration or taking with tea or shengdi or dengxin. While crude Gypsum Fibrosum exerts the function of detoxifying and removing pestilence, it commonly combines with zhimu daqingye.shuiniujiao shengdi etc. The dose is big, the dose range is from 30 to 250 grams. Choosing commonly decoction and decoct-powder dosage, commonly warm administration or jinzhi or shuiniujiao powder. While crude Gypsum Fibrosum exerts the function of replenishing fluid and quenching thirst, it commonly combines with tianhuafen shihu maidong etc. the dose almost is small but also include less middle and big dose, but the utmost dose less than 30 grams. Choosing commonly decoction pill and decoct-powder dosage, commonly warm administration or shengdi baimaogen ganzhe juice. Processed Gypsum Fibrosum used externally can exert the functions of promoting tissue regeneration and ulcer healing, removing dampness and relieving itching,arresting bleeding.'Mainly taking paste refined powder and powder, so it is difficult to statistics their dose. But we can make sure the dose are small because of their dosage are paste refined powder and powder. While processed Gypsum Fibrosum exerts the function of promoting tissue regeneration and ulcer healing, it commonly combines with shengyao qingfen and binpian etc. choosing more powder and refinfed-powder dosage and less paste dosage. While processed Gypsum Fibrosum exerts the function of removing dampness and relieving itching. It commonly combines with luganshi kufan and huangbai. etc. choosing commonly powder'and paste dosage. While processed Gypsum Fibrosum exerts the function of arresting bleeding. It commonly combines with sanqi xiangpi and xuejie etc. choosing commonly powder dosage.
     Conclusion:The compatibility is the key point of all the factors influencing the efficacy exertion of Gypsum Fibrosum. What's more, other factors including dosage, processing, usage, preparation, decocting and dosing and so on are also influential on it. Therefore,the efficacy exertion of Gypsum Fibrbsum in compound formulae is influenced by all the factors we mentioned above. Holding the regulating skills and means of medical efficacy exertion plays an important role in medicinal using reasonably, improving curative effect and academic spreading.
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