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  • 英文题名:Treatise of the "Legislation on the Response in the Case of an Armed Attack" and the Action and the Effect of It in Japanese Framework of Defense Policy
  • 作者:李慧君
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:国际政治
  • 中文关键词:有事法制 ; 防卫体制 ; 普通国家
  • 学位年度:2004
  • 导师:沈海涛
  • 学科代码:030206
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2004-04-01
2003 年日本国会通过了《武力攻击事态法案》、《自卫队法修正案》和《安全保障会议设置法修正案》。“有事法制”的初步确立,其意义远远超过了 1960 年日美安保体制的建立,意味着日本的国家防卫战略正经历着重大的转折,标志着日本战后一直标榜的“专守防卫”原则将发生根本改变,日本战时立法体制的建立接近完成。
    战后日本有事法制的研究始于上世纪60年代。1963年日本防卫当局秘密进行过“综合防卫图上研究”(又称“三矢计划”)。但是迫于国内强大的反战情绪,有事法制只能处于秘密研究状态。随着1979年11月《日美防卫合作指针》的公布,有事法制研究进展迅速。1981年《有事法制研究中间报告I》和 1984 年《有事法制研究中间报告II》分别对第一、二部类的法制问题进行了具体的研究。在冷战的大环境下,有事法制尽管还是敏感话题,但是与前一阶段相比在政治上的合法性研究地位已经得到承认,这为后来的正式立法奠定了基础。
    冷战后,日本国内政治和国际政治与安全形势的发展变化为有事法制的立法化提供了契机。尤其是日本政治1955年体制的瓦解,“革弱保强”的政局变化,日本政界对包括今日的“有事法制”等派兵法案已经开始丧失牵制力量。 随着1994年8月《日本的安全保障及其武装力量发展方向――21 世纪的展望》报告的出台和1996年4月《日美安全保障联合宣言》对日美同盟关系的重新定位,其新时期国家安全战略的主体框架业已展现雏形。 1997年新日美防卫合作指针对日美同盟重新进行确认和定义。1999 年通过“周边有事法案”。9·11事件之后,日本强化应对危机的管理体制,加速了有事法制实现立法化的步伐。通过这一系列立法和政策行动,日本逐步建立了有事法制的法理基础。
    美国因素一直对日本的安保战略的变化有深远影响。9·11 恐怖事件的发生,又为日本的危机管理提供了难得的时机。利用美国出台新军事战略的机会,将美国新要求作为“谋求本国利益最大化”的动力。日本在防卫战略上的调整, 不能仅仅视为是对一个或某个“压力”的消极反应,其中还很大程度地包括“借助于压力”的日本主动的、积极的“借船出海”策略。
In 2003, the Three Laws Regarding Response to Armed Attacks were enacted in Japan. The establishment of " Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack ”, which has far more meaning than the establishment of “ Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements” in 1960, means not only that the strategy of Japanese nation defends is changing greatly, but also the post-war tenet of "Basic Policy for National Defense" in Japan will change completely, and at the same time, the establishment of Japanese Legislation on the war is near to finished.
    Since the 90's, the reestablishment of Japanese framework of defense policy caused the changing of the Japanese safe strategy. At the same time, these changes affected the stabilization of the international safe framework in China or even eastern Asia. For knowing the Japanese framework of safe and defense policy, and for China to constitute the foreign policy corresponding to this policy, it is very important to understand what is “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack”.
    However, the study of these problems in our country is not enough, and it is always too late for the development of the decent affairs in Japan.
    Therefore, using “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack” as the theme, this treatise will discuss “the action and the effect of the ‘Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack’ in Japanese
    framework of defense policy”.
    Three kinds of analyzing methods were used in this treatise:
    1. Unifying method. Unifying the “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack” and Japanese safety strategy to analyze.
    2. Comparison method. Aiming at the different phases and the different features to analyze.
    3. Basing the analysis on the historical facts.
    There are six chapters in this treatise:
    Chapter 1 expatiates on the present condition of this study, and the meaning to choose this theme. Chapter 2 analyzes the history of the “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack”. Chapter 3 analyzes the internal and the international background of the “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack”. Chapter 4 analyzes the content and the structure of the “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack”. Chapter 5 analyzes the action and the effect of the “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack” in Japanese framework of new defense policy by expatiating the changes of the Japanese framework of defense policy. Chapter 6 expatiates how the changes affected China and the foreign policy China should constitute to correspond to the Japanese policy.
    The real signification of the term “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack” is “Legislation on the war”.
    This study began from the 60's of last century. It was studied on papers in 1963. However, for the people’s disagreement, the study of “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack” was kept underground. Along with the new development of Japan-U.S. relations in 1979, the study of the “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack” became to be open.
    The changes of the internal and international situations in the post-cold-war supplied opportunities to the Legislation on the Response in the
    case of an armed attack and other such emergency. There were also some great changes in the Japanese public’s attitude towards the “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack”. In 1996, Japan-U.S. Alliance was defined again. All the changes mentioned above caused that the “Legislation on the Response in the case of an armed attack” developed more rapidly.
    The terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001, revealed, in the most striking manner, that non-state entities such as terrorists can threat the security of a state. Therefore, Japan wanted to establish the Security Policy, "The Global Challenge of International Terrorism". In order to deny terrorist groups safe havens, s
    [4]:肖伟:《战后日本国家安全战略》,新华出版社,2000年1月版 p115
    [5]:《朝日新闻》,1978年1月20日, 转引自《战后日本国家安全战略》 p152-153
    [8]: 王新生“‘有事法制’、中日关系及东北亚区域合作”,《第六次中日青年论坛:中日邦交正常化30周年的思考》, 世界知识出版社,2003年3月版 ,p 60
    [9]:扎德米· 哈利乐扎德:《美国与亚洲—美国新战略和兵力态势》,新华出版社,2001年11月版p94
    [10]:金熙德:《日本外交与中日关系》,世界知识出版社, 2001年6月版,p172
    [11]:迈克尔· 格林,帕特里克·克罗宁主编:《美日同盟:过去、现在与将来》 ,新华出版社 2000年1月版,p95
    [12]: 小泽一郎著《日本改造计划》 转引自金熙德:《日本外交与中日关系》,世界知识出版社, 2001年6月版, p111-113
    [13]:美国国防部《四年防务评估报告》 参照《美国安全解读》周建明、张曙光著,新华出版社,2002年版,p358—419
    [14]:同[10],《美日同盟:过去、现在与将来》, p12
    [15]:王少普,吴寄南:《战后日本防卫研究》,上海人民出版社,2003年8月版, p216
    [16]: 同[8],《美国与亚洲》, p10-11
    [17]:同[14],《战后日本防卫研究》, p387
    [20]:金熙德:“‘参拜’与‘派兵’-2001年日本外交基调”,《解放日报》,1997年 12月26日
    [21]:同[9],《日本外交与中日关系》 p38-39
    [22]:高洪:“日本有事立法中的政治力学管窥”,《日本学刊》2003年第四期 p91
    [25]: 船桥洋一:《日本的对外构想》,岩波书店,1993年版,p97-102
    [26]:每日新闻社在众议院选举期间,对全部议员侯选人政策意向调查结果显示 ,“新议员多具有鹰派志向”。主张应该探讨核武装的占17%。《每日新闻》2003年11月11日报道
    [28]: 梅绰忠夫:《何谓日本》,百花文艺出版社,2001年版,p18—26
    [30]:小泽一郎:《日本改造计划》,转引自《日本外交与中日关系》, p110-118
    [31]:朝日新闻 2003年5月25日报道,小泉会见来访的埃及总统时的讲话
    [33]:同[29],“有事三法案” 转引自《有事法制》附录资料,p62-67
    [35]:同[14],《战后日本防卫研究》, p234
    [36]:王新生:“日美防卫合作指针”, 《第三次中日青年论坛》,世界知识出版社,1999年12月版, p80
    [40]:北京晨报 2002年4月21日报道
    [41]:高增杰主编:《日本:2001》,世界知识出版社,2002年7月版, p261
    [42]:同[14],《战后日本防卫研究》, p455
    [43]:同[40],《日本:2001》, p261-262
    [45]:同[40],《日本:2001》, p260
    [49]:NHK编辑:《21世纪日本的课题--安全保障:关于日本前途的讨论》,NHK出版社, 2004年1月版, p148-151
    [53]:同[3],“日本国宪法”转引《战后日本国家安全战略》附录, p234-236
    [54]:宋长军:“《日美安保条约》与国内法关系”,《第三次中日青年论坛》, p97
    [55]:同[3],《战后日本国家安全战略》, p195
    [56]:每日新闻 2003年11月11日报道
    [58]:江畑谦介:《世界的争端与日本的防卫》PHP研究所1999年,p157 转引自张进山“日本新时期国家安全战略特征浅析”,同[5]
    [59]:同[35],王新生:“《日美合作防卫指针》与中日关系”, p81
    [61]:同[35],王新生:“《日美合作防卫指针》与中日关系”, p82
    [65]:卓南生:“日本‘有事’法案是怎样诞生的” 联合早报 2003年6月4日
    [66]:同[10],《美日同盟:过去现在与将来》, p111
    [67]:同[9],《日本外交与中日关系》 ,p96
    [72]:高洪:“新世纪中日政治关系刍议”, 中国社科院日本所网站http://www.cass.net.cn/chinese/s30_rbs/files/geren/gaohong/lw5.htm

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