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纵向岭谷区(Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region,LRGR)是连接我国以及欧亚大陆植物区系通过东南亚大陆与赤道热带相联系的唯一通道,同时是我国实施“澜沧江—湄公河次区域经济合作”以及“中国—东盟自由贸易区建设”等国家重大发展战略的热点地区。研究区内地形地貌复杂,区域内的温度、降水条件较适合植被生长,人口密度不大,原始生态系统保存较完好,植被覆盖度高,植被生产力巨大,生态脆弱性高,生态安全地位重要。
Not only is LRGR(Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region) the sole corridor for floraexchanging from China, even southeast of Eurasia to the Equator, but also is the flourishingregion where China carry out the development strategy for GMS and Sino-ASEAN economycooperation. The topography and geomorphy is very sophisticated in LRGR. The temperatureand precipitation conditions are feasible to vegetation's growth and the density of populationis mild. The original ecosystem is well saved and the vegetation coverage is very high whichcauses the large vegetation productivity. The ecosystem fragility is very high and the status ofecological security is very important.
     Based on the formerly results, we fix on the research methods of ecosystem servicewhich is suited the character of LRGR. The regulative coefficient is confirmed on the basis oflanduse type, net primary productivity and vegetation coverage by means of remote sensing.The ecosystem service values in 1981 and 2001 for this region are educed with it. The spatialrule and change character of ecosystem service is analyzed on regional and county scale. Thethesis compares the characters of ecosystem service in different district, main drainage basinand different segment in it, confirms the rules that the ecosystem service value is higher insouthern area than northern area and different characters along river and ridge. The ecosystemservice value is decreased regularly with the increasing of population density and elevationby compared analysis. The results of the ecosystem service values in 1981 and 2001 shows arule that ecosystem service value is steady for whole researched region and fluctuate in localarea in LRGR. In the last section, we generalize the whole thesis, discuss the significanceaspects and put forward the problem of the thesis.
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