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    度相差2.90 kg/cm2。套袋果可溶性固形物一直呈上升趋势,但始终低于对照果,且在套
The main study contents of the thesis were the changing of the fruit hardness, the soluble
    solid matter, the pericarp pectin and the coarse fibre and the activity of the enzymes involved the
    pericarp cell wall by using Red‘Fuji’apple as material during apple development. At the same
    time, the thesis observed the systemic ultrastructure changing of the pericarp of the bagged and
    unbagged apple with electron microscope. The mainly study results including:
     1. The fruit hardness was unchanged in two months after bagging, decreased after three
    months, the hardness discrepancy of the bagged and unbagged apple was 2.90 kg/cm2 at the
    harvesting time. The soluble solid matter of the bagged apple was still increasing, but always less
    than than the unbagged apple, and increasing gently at the first and third month after bagging, and
    increasing relatively quick at the second and fourth month. The soluble solid matter discrepancy
    of the bagged and unbagged apple was 1.88 percent at the harvesting time.
     2. The coarse fibre always decreased in former two months after bagging, increased at the
    third and fourth months, and the coarse fibre of the bagged apple was still less than the unbagged
    apple. The original pectin of the bagged and unbagged apple was approximately same, however
    the content of the bagged apple was always less than that of the unbagged. The soluble pectin of
    the bagged apple was still less than that of the unbagged, the content increased at first month,
    decreased in two month after bagging.
     3. The polygalacturonase activity of the bagged apple increased linearly, and always more
    than that of the unbagged apple, and the discrepancy of the bagged and unbagged apple was
    0.04 percent at the harvesting time. The cellulose enzyme activity of the bagged and
    unbagged apple changed from low to high, and the changing extent was almost same, the
    fomer was still higher than the after. The polyphenolo xidase activity of the bagged apple was
    lower than that of the unbagged apple, and increased at the former period, decrease at the
    middle and after period. The eperoxldase activity of the bagged apple was always lower than
    that of the unbagged apple, increased at the former period, and decreased at the after period.
     4. The pericarp cell wall structure of the bagged and unbagged apple was compact at the
    former period of the fruit growth, the electron density was high, the cellulose micro filament
    was invisible, the middle glue layer, the next and first cell wall were not distinguished; The
    cell wall of the bagged apple began relaxing at the middle period of fruit growth, however the
    unbagged apple’s was still relatively compact; The mostly cell wall of the bagged apple began
    decomposing, and Incipient plasrmlysis appeared, whereas the unbagged apple's just began
     5. The chloroplast of the bagged and unbagged apple existed with the orginal chloroplast
    form at the former period of fruit growth, and its all space was held by the large starch grain,
    however the unbagged apple's was development. The chloroplast structure of the bagged
    apple was primarily formed at the middle period of fruit growth, just the segment
    layer structure was not development, whereas that of the unbagged apple was already intact.
    Because the bagged apples were expose to the sun after removing the paper bag, the potential
    plastid changed into the intact segment layer structure at the short time, however that of the
    unbagged apple was largely decreasing, maybe it participate in the anabolism and
     6. The mitochondrion of the bagged apple was abundance and development during all
    course of fruit growth, the lipid bodies were richness, the central big vacuole besprinkled the
    all cell, the osmiophilic globules abounded at the harvesting time, whereas the mitochondrion
    and the lipid body of the unbagged apple were relatively less.
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