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Since the 1980s, with the global economy and international trade liberalization process speeding up,the world agriculture faces an unprecedented challenge. In 1995 the Uruguay Round has put agricultural products integrate into the international trading system and developed a package of rules, requiring member countries open up markets for agricultural products in order to achieve the liberalization of world trade in agricultural products. After signing“Agriculture Agreement”, the United States and the European Union carry out their domestic agricultural reforms to adapt to the situation in the international trade of agricultural products. Japan’s economic development experience has shown that, with the realization of industrialization, the agricultural economy will lose its original dominate position in international economy. As one of the world’s three major economies, Japan begins to decelope the domestic agricultural policy adjustment and reform process. Japan is one of the nations which have exercised a high degree of agricultural protection in the world. It is the first time for Japan to get its domestic agricultural policy into the world trading system in agricultural products. In the face of the pressure of“agricultural agreement”and the requirement of opening up markets for agricultural products, the Japanese government, responding to the trend of trade liberalization at the same time, makes full use of the related principles in“Agreement on Agriculture”and gradually transfer the protection agricultural policy to the“Green Box Policy”.
     Japan is a highly developed industrial countries and agriculture proportion in the GDP is very small. Japan's economy developing experiences show that as the realization of industrialization, the agricultural economy will lose its original dominant position in the international economy. However, agriculture is the country’s basic industry; Agricultural modernization, internationalization and the development of industry and service sector is inextricably linked; food security is related with the country’s security. As a result, some industrialized countries like Japan have attached great importance to the protection of agriculture and take some means of protection like trade protection, subsidies, price supports, ect. The protection of agricultural policy before 1994, no doubt, has played an important role in Japan's agricultural development. But on the trend of international trade liberalization, these policies would not only result in domestic and international agricultural market barrier that will cost vast sums of capital and a lot of resources, but also a violation of the spirit of the sustainable development of agriculture. Reform of domestic agricultural policy and agricultural trade policy has become inevitable.
     WTO“Agreement on Agriculture”is the first multilateral trade agreement related with agricultural productes, which has played an important role in the world agricultural trading system construction. It curbs the tendency of trade protectionism, put forward the principle of“differential treatment”, implements some favorable measures for developing countries, provides for a unified trade rules to promise the agricultural trade practices have rules and to protect all States parties’trade interests.
     Before 90's of the 20th century, Japan's domestic agricultural policy framework, represented by the Basic Law of agriculture, at that time has solved the existing problems in agriculture in the prevailing economic conditions. However, due to overprotection of these policies, some laggingeffects have adverse effects on agricultural development in the latter part of. In the mid-term of this period, the various domestic and foreign factors impacting agricultural policies have had great changes that have broken the original balance of agricultural production. In July 1999, Japan introduced a new agriculture Basic Law, which introduced the new market mechanism into agriculture. The new Basic Law of Japan marks the focus of agricultural policy reform has transferred from the agricultural structure adjustment in the past, reducing the agricultural, industrial workers differences in income, realizing the modernization of agriculture, to improve the international competitiveness of agriculture and food supply safety, sustainable development of agriculture, rural welfare and the protection of agricultural ecological environment. Matching with the Basic Law, the Government of Japan has carried out corresponding reforms in the agricultural system, agricultural policy and financial support to the agricultural aspects of the Organization. With changing of the domestic and abroad economy situation, Japan's agriculture policy is facing new challenges.
     Japan is the world's largest agricultural imports, whose total imports of agricultural products in recent years have always been number one in the world. In order to enhance the competitiveness of their agricultural products, in addition to carry out agricultural price support, input subsidies, the Japanese government has also limited imports and taken all kinds of tariff and non-tariff barriers to limit access to foreign agricultural products. The new Basic Law led to the introduction of new food laws, import quotas and tariffs on agricultural products and trade policy, tariffs on rice and other agricultural trade policies of a series of reforms. At the same time, to protect people in health and social security aspects, the Japanese government made full use of the "technical barriers to the agreement allowed by WTO, developed "Food Sanitation Law" and "positive list system" and some other kind of the technical standards to manage the import of agricultural products, so as to indirectly achieve the protection of its own agricultural industry.
     On the other hand, in order to protect its agricultural development, Japan builds a theoretical framework of various agricultural forms co-existence. Their points of view like various agriculture enginery basically consistent to the socio-economic and natural environment, the coordinated development goal people pursuing in the 21 century. It has been accepted by a number of countries and territories and becomes the“Agreement on Agriculture”of non-trade concerns. Japan's food security, agricultural trade and environmental protection, as well as comprehensive management of rural areas have taken a series of measures, and the agriculture and construction of multi-functional has been walking in the forefront of the world.
     As a large agricultural country, how to transfer comparative advantage in agricultural theory to the reality of the real competitive advantage according to China's national conditions, how to ensure the successful completion of the agricultural production in the strategic restructuring under the premise of food security, how to maintain and improve the income of the farmers after the post-WTO accession, how to solve the "three rural" issue, all these problems are directly related to China's economic and social development. It is of great guiding significance for adjustment of Chinese agricultural structure, developing export-oriented agriculture and achieving agricultural modernization and sustainable development to research on agricultural reform in Japan, conclude Japan’s experience to reform agriculture and to improve the competitiveness of domestic agriculture in order to protect and improve the income of the farmers according to“Agriculture Agreement”and to study Japan’s agriculture policy solving the problems and the measures they have taken.
     The full text of eight chapters could be divided into four parts:
     The first part included Chapter 1. This part mainly introduced the main topics and the significance of the thesis and gave a briefing on the main frame.
     The second part included Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. Chapter 2 included the theoritical basis of the whole thesis, which analyzed agricultural development and related theories of agricultural protection, focusing on multi-functional theory analysis of agriculture and sustainable development theory and explored the economic impact of globalization on the agricultural development and theory of agricultural development. Chapter 3 detailed the background of the Uruguay Round, the negotiations process, the position of the parties and so on; and gave a comprehensive introduction to“the Agreement on Agriculture”of the main contents and the significance of the signing of an objective evaluation.
     The third part included Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. Chapter 4 introduced the current situation of Japan's agriculture industry, as well as the origin, measures and contents of Japan's protecting agricultural policies. Chapter 5 elaborated in detail after the "Agreement on Agriculture" entering into force, Japan's domestic agricultural policy reform, including policies of agricultural subsidies, agricultural land reform, reform of agricultural association, and then explored the Japanese trend of agricultural policy reform in the new century. Chapter 5 on Japan's agricultural policy reform and anglicized the tendency of agriculture reform in the new century.
     Chapter 6 dealt with the characteristics of agricultural products trade in Japan after the "Agriculture Agreement" entering into force, Japan’s agricultural trade policy reform and technical barriers trade measures taken by Japan to trade liberalization. Chapter 7 introduced Japanese maintaining the agricultural policy changes versatility, explored the WTO non-trade concerns, analyzed food security, agriculture and the environment, the relationship between trade and environment and the measures taken by the community for the realization of food security and the establishment of agricultural preservation type.
     Part Four included Chapter 8. It analyzed revelation for china agricultural development according to Japan’s agricultural reform in the international framework, and put forward some beneficial suggestions to the development of China's agricultural modernization.
①FTA(Free Trade Agreement)为自由贸易协定,它是独立关税主体之间以自愿结合方式,就贸易自由化及相关问题达成的协定。在WTO文件中,FTA与优惠贸易协定(PTA)、关税同盟协定(CUA)一道,都纳入RTA(Regional Trade Agreement)的范围。
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