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After gaining its independency in 1947, India goes on the modernization road characterized by itself. With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the housing problem in Mumbai, the largest city in India, was increasingly prominent. The most evident problem is the deterioration of slums and the difficulty in dealing with the problem. Taking as its thread the appearance and the development of slums as well as the government countermeasures, this dissertation analyses the reasons of slums' housing problem from 1947 to 2000, discusses the government's relevant legislation and concrete measures, and explores the difficulty in bringing the problem under control.
    The paper consists of three parts. In the first chapter, namely the first part, the author explains the background of the slums' coming to being in Mumbai. As a port city in western India, the important geographical location and advanced textile industry makes Mumbai the center of industry, commerce and culture of India. After India's independency, the rapid development of economy in Munbai helped it become the financial and economic center. The development and prosperity consequently attracted a lot of immigrants from all parts of India to live in Mumbai. The sustained growth in the population, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the acute housing shortage are the major factors contributing to the appearance of slums. When under the colonial rule of Britain, Mumbai mechanically applied British experience, which led to improper city layout. The layouts after independency also had shortcomings in various aspects, and the housing problem of slum kept deteriorating. The slum became the major problem in disturbing Mumbai' s development.
    The second chapter is the second part, and it introduces the housing condition of Mumbai's slums. Among the multitudes of different definitions all over the world, the author picks up the Indian definition of slum. As early as 1956, the Indian government defined the buildings which are unsuitable for dwellers' living, and may do harm to the safety, health and morality as slums. As time goes by, the definition gets supplemented. According to its definition, the slums in Mumbai fall into three types: the permanent housings (Chawls), the semi-permanent and squatter housings. With the poor structures, humble facilities, crowded rooms, harsh living conditions, the slums not only do harm to dwellers' health, but also threaten their survival. The last chapter is the third part. This chapter discusses the solutions, the laws and programs implemented by the government in accordance with the slums from 1947 to 2000, and briefly introduces the active involvement of the non-governmental organizations. Owing to the joint efforts of all parties, the living conditions in slums have been improved to some extent, but the problem remains unsolved. Even after the year 2000, the housing problem is still severe. The reasons of the difficulty in solution are as follows: To start with, slums are the inevitable outcome of the economic development from the background of their appearance; secondly, the shortcomings of city layouts and measures of government are the major reasons; thirdly, the lack of dwellers' support in the policies of government accounts for another important reason; in addition, the sway in policies resulted from the differences in peoples' opinions also spoils the effect of the measures.
    In conclusion, the slums' housing problems of Mumbai from 1947 to 2000, became increasingly prominent along with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization. Even though a series of countermeasures taken by the government have eased the conflict to some degree, this social problem has not been solved thoroughly. As for Mumbai, there is tough work ahead and a long way to go.
1 《大美百科全书》编辑部译编:《大美百科全书》第4卷,外文出版社1994年版,第126页。
    2 《简明不列颠百科全书》编辑部译编:《简明不列颠百科全书》第5卷,中国大百科全书出版社1986版,第843页。
    3 1995年11月22日,印度联邦政府决定将孟买的英文名字由“Bombay”改为“Mumbai”,以此来消除殖民主义的色彩。“Mumbai”意为马哈拉施特拉邦的城市。但是中文译法仍然未变。
    4 Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 71.
    1 Sujata Patel and Jim Masselos, Bombay and mumbai, Oxford University Press, 2003, p. 6.
    2 Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Pevelopment and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 77.
    3 Ibid.
    4 Ibid., p. 78.
    5 Ibid.,p.103.分间出租房(chawl)是孟买在1920—1956年间工厂主或土地所有者为低收入工人建造的住房。一些公共部门把相似的单元套房开始出租给他们的工人。这些分间出租房后来因为年久失修也成为孟买贫民窟的一个类型。具体情况将在后文进行详细阐述。
    6 Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 81.
    1 Greg O' Hare, Dina Abbott, Michael Barke, "A review of slum housing policies in Mumbai", in Cities, Vol. 15, No. 4, Elsevier Science Ltd., 1998, Great Britain, pp. 269-283.
    2 Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 81.
    3 Greg O' Hare, Dina Abbott, Michael Barke, "A review of slum housing policies in Mumbai" , in Cities, Vol. 15, No. 4, Elsevier Science Ltd., 1998, Great Britain, pp. 269-283.
    4 Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 81.
    5 Atain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 83.
    6 Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 83.
    1 United Nations, The State of World Population 1996, UN Population Fund, New York, 1996, pp. 32-33. quoted in Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, pp. 83-84,
    2 Mayur, R., and Vohra, P. R., Bombay by 2000 AD, Collection of articles, 1986, p. 176. quoted in Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 85.
    3 Office of the Registrar General, Statement 1. 2 Total population, slum population and their pecentage in Municipal Corporation with population above one million-2001, http://www.censusindia.net/
    1 拉·海洛德:“计划过程:两个印度的出现”,载《商业旗报》,1987年1月8日,转引自陈峰君:《印度社会述论》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版,第383页。
    2 贫困线是指按维持最低生活标准的费用。按1984—85年度计算,在农村维持这种最低费用每个家庭需要每年收入6400卢比,在城市每个家庭为7300卢比。
    3 陈峰君:《印度社会述论》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版,第384页。
    4 陈峰君:《印度社会述论》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版,第385页。
    5 印度计划委员会:《第七个五年计划,1985—90》一卷第33页,载《经济时报》1985年11月29日。转引自陈峰君:《印度社会述论》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版,第387页。
    1 瓦桑特·萨蒂:《朝向社会革命》,德里,1984年,第77页。转引自陈峰君:《印度社会述论》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版,第383页。
    2 陈峰君:《印度社会述论》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版,第383页。
    3 曾向荣,《孟买:以超越上海为目标的印度“希望之乡”》,人民网:http://www.people.com.cn/,2006年6月25日。
    4 Sundaram, P. S. A., Bombay, Can It House its Millions?, Clarion Books New Delhi, 1989, p. 24, quoted in Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 89.
    1 Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 88.
    2 陈峰君:《印度社会述论》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版,第389页。
    3 美世咨询成立于1937年,是全球最大的人力资源管理公司。在全球41个国家和地区拥有190余家分公司,拥有超过15,700名顾问。
    4 据美世咨询(中国大陆)官方网站:美世咨询最新发布2006年世界生活成本调研城市排名,http://www.mercerhr.com.cn。
    5 Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 88.
    6 [印]《经济时报》1981年1月12目,转引自陈峰君:《印度社会述论》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版,第386页。
    1 The Bombay Metropolitan Regional Planning Board, Regional Plan for Bombay metropolitan region1970-1991, Bombay, 1974, p. 59.
    2 Sundaram, P. S. A., Bombay, Can It House its Millions?, Clarion Books New Delhi, 1989, p. 57, quoted in Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 89.
    1 这种分间出租宿舍是工厂主建来提供给工人租住的。后来也演变为贫民窟的一种。祥见本文第二章。
    2 这里的发展规划即1967年马邦地区《城市规划法案》。有关此法案在本章第四节有具体阐述。
    3 Sundaram, P. S. A., Bombay, Can It House its Millions?, Clarion Books New Delhi, 1989, p. 57, quoted in Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 89.
    4 P. Ramachandran, Pavement Dwellers in Bombay City, Tata institute of social sciences, 1988, p. 2.
    5 Sundaram, P. S. A., Bombay, Can It House its Millions?, Clarion Books New Delhi, 1989, p. 24, quoted in Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 90.
    1 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, pp. 17-18.
    2 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, p. 19.
    3 1947年印度独立以后,印度成为一个联邦制国家,当地政府由中央政府管理,而当地政府特别是州政府有权在全国宪法的范围内制定自己的法律。城市规划属于中央政府和地方政府都可以制定法律进行管理的事务。这个法案于1966年制定,1967年1月开始执行。
    1 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, p. 20.
    2 Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 97.
    3 可参见The Bombay Metropolitan Regional Planning Board, Regional Plan for Bombay metropolitan region1970-1991, Bombay, 1974, pp. 1-59.
    4 Alain R. A. Jacquemin, Urban Development and New Towns in the Third World, Ahgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, p. 99.
    1 Sanchayeeta Adhikari, Urban planning and Politics of Slum Demolition in Metropolitan Mumbai, http://www.archidev.org.
    2 联合国人居署编著,于静等译:《贫民窟的挑战—全球人类住区报告2003》,中国建筑工业出版社2006年版,第12页。
    3 Bombay Municipal Corporation Survey, A Brief Report on the Survey of Old Buildings in Bombay City, p. 3, quoted in A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 40.
    1 印度的房屋管制法主要指印度颁布的一系列有关房屋租金的法案。如《印度租金控制法案》颁布于1948年,1959年8月废止。法案中明确规定了房屋租金的最高限额。但是此处笔者认为应是《孟买租金控制法案》,该法案颁布于1947年,是把房屋的租金控制在1940年的水平上。无论是哪部法案,都大大降低了私人投资商的投资热情,房屋所有者由于租金收入的减少,更加忽视贫民窟住房的维修和改善。
    2 联合国人居署编著,于静等译:《贫民窟的挑战—全球人类住区报告2003)>,中国建筑工业出版社2006年版,第101页。
    3 Bombay Municipal Corporation Survey, A Brief Report on the Survey of Old Buildings in Bombay City, p. 3, quoted in A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 37.
    1 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understahding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 15.
    2 Bombay Municipal Corporation Survey, A Brief Report an the Survey of Old Buildings in Bombay City, p. 3, quoted in A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 39.
    1 马拉地语是马哈拉施特拉邦印度教徒的主要语言,使用这种语言的人口大约占大孟买区域总人口的42%。
    2 Bombay Municipal Corporation Survey, A Brief Report on the Survey of Old Buildings in Bombay City, p. 3, quoted in A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 40.
    1 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 15.
    2 Bombay Municipal Corporation Survey, A Brief Report on the Survey of Old Buildings in Bombay City, p. 3, quoted in A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 40.
    1 Vinit Mukhija, Squatters as Developers?, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2002, p. 23.
    1 A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 89.
    2 A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 89.
    3 这是由孟买的自然环境决定的。孟买是濒临阿拉伯海的一个呈狭长型的半岛,地势低洼气候炎热而潮湿,每年都有季风期,季风带来的降雨平均达到2,000毫米。
    4 A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 89.
    1 A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 90.
    2 A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 91.
    3 A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 96.卢比(rupee)是印度货币计量单位。1卢比约合人民币0.178元。
    4 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, p. 82.
    5 A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 98.
    1 A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 99.
    2 A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 249.
    3 A. R. Desai, S. D. Pillai, A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, 1972, p. 50.
    4 Yuya-Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action, Our home is a slum: an exploration of a community and local government collaboration in a tenants' struggle to establish legal residency in Janata squatters colony, Mumbai, India, UNRISD, 1999, p. 6.
    1 1947年印度独立后采取了联邦制。根据印度宪法,土地、住房、都市发展和城市基础建设都由邦政府进行规划并执行相关政策。中央政府通过制定“五年发展规划”授权邦政府进行具体的政策执行。1993年以前邦都市发展部门代替城市规划部门,成为负责都市住房政策的制定和实施的主要部门。1993年第74次宪法修正案的颁布,给予了市政当局更大的权利,市政府可以直接参与公共住房和贫民窟治理政策的制定和实施。因此本章主要从马邦政府和孟买市政府制定的各种政策来探讨政府对孟买贫民窟的治理。
    2 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, p. 25.
    3 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 12.
    4 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies fort he Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 12.
    1 清理政策在实行过程中,执行拆除和新建房屋的所有权不变的政策,因此新建房屋仍为原来房屋所有者所有,其他居住者仍然要支付租金。
    2 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, p. 23.
    3 BMRDA, Draft Regional Plan for Mumbai Metropolitan Region 1996-2001, Mumbai, 1994, p. 258, quoted in Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 14.
    4 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies fort he Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 13.
    1 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, p. 46.
    2 后来贫民窟改善委员会与1977年成立的马邦住房委员会(Maharashtra Housing)和区域发展委员会(Area Development Authority)合并,统称区域发展局(Area Development Authority)。
    3 中央政府土地和私人所属土地上的贫民窟没有实行这个计划。这是因为中央政府所属土地上的行动要由中央政府执行,邦政府没有权利进行任何计划。
    4 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies fort he Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 13.
    5 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003 United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 12.
    1 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, p. 51.
    2 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, p. 53.
    3 联合国人居署编著,于静等译:《贫民窟的挑战—全球人类住区报告2003》,中国建筑工业出版社2006年版,第167页。
    2 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, p. 56.
    3 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, pp. 59-60.
    4 S. S. Jha, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986, p. 58.
    1 笔者分析孟买治理贫民窟政策转变最深刻的原因在于80年代初,印度改变了70年代过度抑制进口的自力更生政策,开始逐渐放松对进口的限制。80年代中期,拉吉夫·甘地上台以后更加强调打开原本封闭的国内市场。这种逐步开放的政策使得国际先进的治理理念能够在孟买被采纳。
    2 达拉维是亚洲最大的贫民窟聚居区,坐落在孟买市中心附近,占地425英亩(约1.72公顷),据官方统计的数字显示,人口达30万,但是孟买非政府组织调查统计的数字还要更高一些,见本文第34页。
    3 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 15.
    1 Bharwada Charul and Mahajan Vinay "The Government-NGO-CBO-Participation for Low Income Settlement Improvement Programmes (Dharavi Redevelopment Project) Alternative Institutionalframework " ,Research report na 1~ DTUDP, HSMI, New Delhi, quoted in Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in UnderstandinE slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 15.
    2 Jhavar, Nitin, "Re-construction Programme for Slums in Mumbai Case Study: Dharavi Slums", M. Planning (Housing) Thesis, Department of Housing, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, 1993, quoted in Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 15.
    3 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in EnderstandinE slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 15.
    4 “区域资源中心学会”英文全称:the Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centres成立于1984年,是孟买著名的社区组织之一,是以社区为基础的支持无住房居民的组织。现今已经扩展为支援全印度城市贫困人口的社区组织。其官方网站为www.sparc.org。
    5 Vinit Mukhija, "Enabling Slum Redevelopment in Mumbai: Policy Paradox in Practice", Housing Studies, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2001, p. 797.
    6 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 15.
    1 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 15.
    2 Vinit Mukhija, Squatters as Developers?, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003, p. 76.
    3 Panwalkar, P, "Upgradation of Slums: A World Bank Programme", quoted in Vinit Mukhija, Squatters as Developers?, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003, p. 76.
    4 Vinit Mukhija, Squatters as Developers?, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003, p. 76.
    5 Desai, V. (1995), "Community Participation and Slum Housing", A Study of Bombay, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1995. quoted in Vinit Mukhija, Squatters as Developers?, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003, p. 76.
    6 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 15.
    1 1991年6月国大党总理拉奥上台执政之时,自由化、市场化、全球化的浪潮席卷亚洲及整个世界。以“四小龙”为代表的亚洲国家经济崛起,而此时的印度在半管制体制的影响下,经济发展速度明显落在亚洲许多国家后面。为了能赶上其他国家的现代化进程,拉奥政府决心实行全面的经济改革。改革内容包括取消半管制经济体制,充分发挥私营经济的积极作用;大力引进外资和外国先进技术,放宽进口限制;鼓励出口,引进竞争体制;进行农业经济改革等。拉奥改革使印度经济发展速度上到一个新的台阶;实现了经济发展模式的转变;形成了一条与新时期相适应的实行经济现代化的道路,是独立以来印度发展道路上新的里程碑。
    2 20世纪50年代,印度在尼赫鲁政府的领导下制定了“建立一个社会主义类型社会”的经济政策目标。1956年,政府根据新提出的社会主义目标制定了新的工业政策,即《1956年工业政策决议》。决议决定所有基础工业、战略性工业、公益工业都必须掌握在国家手里。
    3 林承节,《独立后的印度史》,北京大学出版社2005年版,第643页。
    1 Vinit Mukhija, "Enabling Slum Redevelopment in Mumbai: Policy Paradox in Practice", Housing Studies, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2001, p. 796.
    2 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 16.
    3 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 16.
    1 Vinit Mukhija, "Enabling Slum Redevelopment in Mumbai: Policy Paradox in Practice", Housing Studies, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2001, p. 801.
    2 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 17.
    3 据印度贫民窟复修社团官方网站:http://www.srsindia.org/。
    1 喻常森:“非政府组织与东南亚国家政治发展”《南洋问题研究》,2003年,第3期,第1页。
    2 Sheela Patel, "Revisiting Participation: Win-Win Strategy in Negotiations with Railway Authorities and Squatters, Mumbai, India", from www.unescap.org, p. 80.
    1 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 17.
    2 国家贫民窟居民同盟(NSDF)成立于1974年。到2004年已经有75万贫民窟居民加入了这个同盟,覆盖印度全国的70多个城市。其主旨是为贫民窟提供安全健康的住房和为他们提供清洁用水、卫生设施等基础设施建设服务。
    3 贫民窟和街道妇女网是孟买一个妇女联合组织,是由孟买贫民窟妇女组成的网络组织,同国家贫民窟居民同盟有着密切的联系,为贫民窟的拆迁提供各种技术支持等。
    4 Sheela Patel, "Revisiting Participation: Win-Win Strategy in Negotiations with Railway Authorities and Squatters, Mumbai, India", from www.unescap.org/, p. 82.
    1 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in UnderstandinK slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 17.
    2 Neelima Risbud, "The case of mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 17.
    3 联合国人居署编著,于静等译:《贫民窟的挑战—全球人类住区报告2003》,中国建筑工业出版社2006年版,第196页。
    4 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 17.
    1 据印度贫民窟复修社团官方网站:htto://www.srsindia.org/。
    2 Yuya-Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action, Our home is a slum: an exploration era community and local government collaboration in a tenants struggle to establish legal residency in Janata squatters colony, Mumbai, India, UNRISD, 1999, p. 19.
    1 Director of Census Operations, Census of India(2001), Series-1, quoted in Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 7.
    2 Director of Census Operations, Census of India(2001), Series-28, quoted in Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 7.
    3 YUYA & Montgomery Watson Consultants, Final Report for Slum Sanitation undertaken for Mumbai Sewerage Disposal Project, Mumbai, 2001. quoted in Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 7.
    4 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 7.
    5 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 7.
    1 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 7.
    2 Ramaswamy, Ranjani, "Unreal Estate", Mumbai Newsline, May 19, 2002. quoted in Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 8.
    3 Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India "in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003, p. 8.
    4 新华网:“印度孟买贫民窟发生火灾,3000人无家可归”,http://news.xinhuanet.com,2002年4月18日。
    5 第一财经日报:“暴雨打击印度第一大城市 孟买上海梦难经考验”,http://whnews.cn,2005年8月3日。
    1 曾向荣:“孟买:以超越上海为目标的印度‘希望之乡’”,http://world.people.com.cn,2006年6月25日。
    1 陈继辉:“印度拿最大贫民窟没招”,《环球时报》,2007年3月22日。
    2 陈继辉:“印度拿最大贫民窟没招”,《环球时报》,2007年3月22日。
    3 曾向荣:“孟买:以超越上海为目标的印度‘希望之乡’”,人民网:http://world.people.com.cn,2006年6月25日。
    1 联合国人居署编著,于静等译:《贫民窟的挑战—全球人类住区报告2003》,中国建筑工业出版社2006年版,绪论。
    2 联合国人居署编著,于静等译:《贫民窟的挑战—全球人类住区报告2003》,中国建筑工业出版社2006年版,第79页。
    3 [瑞典]冈纳·缪尔达尔著:《亚洲的戏剧——对一些国家贫困问题的研究》,北京经济学院出版社1992年版,第57页。
    4 林承节:《独立后的印度史》,北京大学出版社2005年版,绪论。
    5 林承节主编:《印度现代化的发展道路》,北京大学出版社2001年版,第101页。
    6 [瑞典]冈纳·缪尔达尔著:《亚洲的戏剧——对一些国家贫困问题的研究》,北京经济学院出版社1992年版,第59页。
    1 [瑞典]冈纳·缪尔达尔著:《世界贫困的挑战——世界反贫困大纲》,北京经济学院出版社1991年版,第360-361页。
    2 联合国人居署编著,于静等译:《贫民窟的挑战—全球人类住区报告2003》,中国建筑工业出版社2006年版,第38页。
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    9 Charles Correa, Housing & urbanisation , Bombay : Urban Design Research Institute, 1999.
    10 Dr. S.L.Goel and Dr.S.S.Dhaliwal, Slum Improvement Through Participatory Urban-Based Community Structures, Deep and Deep Publications PVT.LTD.,2004.
    11 Francis Cherunilam & Odeyar D. Heggade, Housing in India, Bombay , Himalaya Pub. House, 1987.
    12 Gavin W. Jones, Pravin Visaria , Urbanization in large developing countries . Clerendon press ,oxford, 1997.
    13 H.S. Verma, Bombay, New Bombay, and metropolitan region: growth process and planning lessons, New Delhi: Concept Pub. Co., 1985.
    14 Jatin V. Modi, R.S. Chavan, Towards good urban life: compilation of speeches of ministers and other documents delivered at and related to the National Conference of Ministers of Local Self-Government, Urban Development, and Housing from States and Union Territories of the country held on 12th Sept. 2002, Mumbai: All India Institute of Local Self-Government, 2002.
    15 J.R. Rele and Tara Kanitkar, Fertility and Family Planning in Greater Bombay, Bombay Popular Prakashan, 1980.
    16 Juha I. Uitto and Asit K. Biswas, Water for urban areas : challenges and perspectives, Tokyo ; New York : United Nations University Press, c2000.
    17 Kanitkar, Tara, Fertility and family planning in Greater Bombay. Bombay : Popular Prakashan, 1980.
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    19 N. Somasekhara, State's planning in India: techniques, procedure, and management: an across the states account, Bombay : Himalaya Pub. House, 1984.
    20 Jitendra J. Shah, Tanvi Nagpal, Urban air quality management strategy in Asia. Greater Mumbai report, Washington, D.C.: World Bank, c1997.
    21 P.Ramachandran, Pavement Dwellers In Bombay City, Tata Institute of Social Sciences,1988.
    22 Ranvinder Singh Sandhu, Urbanization in India: sociological contributions, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2003.
    23 Robert-Jan Baken, Plotting, Squatting, Public Purpose and Politics, Athenaeum Press, Ltd, 2003.
    24 Robin David Tribhuwan, Ragnhild Andreassen, Streets of insecurity: a study of pavement dwellers in India, New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 2003.
    25 Sarthi Acharya , A. V. Jose, Employment and mobility [microform] : a study among workers of low income households in Bombay city , Bethesda, MD : Congressional Information Service, Inc., c1992.
    26 S.Giriappa, Housing Finance and Development in India, Mohit Publications, 1998. 27. S.Manzoor Alam ,Fatim Alikhan , Perspectives on Urbanization and migration: India and USSR, New Delhi,Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.1987 .
    28 S.S.JHA, Structure of Urban Poverty, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 1986.
    29 Sujata Patel and Jim Masselos, Bombay and Mumbai: the city in transition, New Delhi; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003.
    30 Susanne Thorbek ; translated by Brian Fredsfod, Gender and slum culture in urban Asia , London ; Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Zed Books, 1994.
    31 The Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Report on an enquiry into the working of the Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948 (as amended up to Baroda district). Bombay: The Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, 1958.
    32 Trudy Harpham, Ilona Blue, Urbanization and mental health in developing countries, Aldershot, Hants ; Brookfield, Vt., USA: Avebury, c1995.
    33 United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Survey of slum and squatter settlements, Dublin : Published for UNCHS (Habitat) by Tycooly International Pub., 1982.
    34 United Nations. Dept. of International Economic and Social Affairs, Population growth and policies in mega-cities: Bombay. United Nations, 1986.
    35 Vibhooti Shukla ; foreword by Edwin S. Mills, Urban development and regional policy in India : an econometric analysis, Bombay : Himalaya Pub. House, 1988.
    36 Vinit Mukhija, Squatters as developers? : slum redevelopment in Mumbai, Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2003.
    37 Yuva-Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action , Our home is a slum : an exploration of a community and local government collaboration in a tenants' struggle to establish legal residency in Janata squatters colony, Mumbai, India , UNRISD, 1999.
    1、Greg O'Hare, Dina Abbott, Michael Barke, "A review of slum housing policies in Mumbai", in Cities, Vol. 15, No. 4, Elsevier Science Ltd., Great Britain, 1998.
    2、Vinit Mukhija, "Enabling Slum Redevelopment in Mumbai: Policy Paradox in Practice", Housing Studies, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2001.
    3、Sanchayeeta Adhikari, "Urban Planning and Politics of Slum Demolition in Metropolitan Mumbai", from http://www.archidev.org.
    4、Sheela Patel, "Revisiting Participation: Win-Win Strategy in Negotiations with Railway Authorities and Squatters, Mumbai, India", from http://www.censusindia.net.
    5、Neelima Risbud, "The case of Mumbai, India" in Understanding slums: Case studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003.
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