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  • 英文题名:Analyzing the Dilemma and Strategy in the Development of China Advertisement in the Digital Times
  • 副题名:关于数字化条件下的电视广告经营问题
  • 英文副题名:About Digital TV Ads under the Conditions of Operational Problems
  • 作者:王佳博
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:传播学
  • 中文关键词:广告 ; 数字电视 ; 发展困境 ; 基本策略
  • 学位年度:2008
  • 导师:刘晔骁
  • 学科代码:050302
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2008-04-18
At present, China's digital television is still in its infancy, it has good prospects for development. Digital TV from traditional analog television developed from technology and equipment made on the advantages of digital TV than the original analogue television with a more high-definition TV screen, but also more high-quality acoustics. The emergence of digital television in the fundamental subversion of the traditional concept of TV, it is changing from a computer in the diversification of unique features. It can be said that digital TV has been a public media from viewing tools, a large number of information systems include home video services. Perhaps a few years ago, digital TV for us, or unfamiliar words, but with our figures the faster pace of comprehensive start cable digital TV conversion city as a whole will be more and more, the promotion of terrestrial digital television will continue to expand, Digital TV will be gradually moved into our lives.
     As China has gradually entered the digital television era, television advertisements are taking place in the business environment and will continue to play an important change. At the same time, brought about by the digital TV these changes so that we have reason to doubt whether the ads can continue to survive. Digital TV, although to ordinary viewers brought more realistic images and related facilities, but also to the traditional television advertising industry impact. The rapid development of digital television means that the mandatory television advertising business model by the deadly challenge. The rapid development of digital television means that the mandatory television advertising business model by the deadly challenge. With the increasing development of digital television, people have to choose the diversity of television advertising. But China is now the TV commercials are still there are all kinds of ills, has become increasingly unable to meet the era of digital television advertising requirements. Digital TV overall conversion, how to develop new sources of revenue to make up for set-top boxes presented by the huge debt, radio and television networks to become an important task to run a business.xt one, and the emergence of digital TV advertising, not only on the radio and television industries, but also for advertising, marketing area will have a far-reaching impact.
     It can be said that the increasing popularity of digital television, but television advertising will not disappear. Only traditional television advertisements must be adjusted accordingly in order to meet the requirements of interactive advertising and the development of new technologies. Furthermore, from the spread of view, the interactive digital TV capabilities and the resulting personalized advertisements implying an enormous business opportunities. In the digital TV era, using digital technology, television commercials will be information-based, interactive, personalized and humanized. Its survival and development is the basis of the new high-capacity, a wide range of advertising space, interactive advertising capabilities, rich, personalized information content and humane services. Based on its extension for the digital TV platform, the sustainable development of television advertising. Value-added services including advertising, interactive advertising services including advertising, and multimedia information services. Not only that, given the digital TV television in the information society of equal status. Analogue television era of passive acceptance after the break, digital TV will fundamentally change the "beneficiaries" of the status and role of the audience will have more activities spread throughout the initiative and the right to speak. Digital TV interactive features greatly expand television advertising space for development. As long as the audience needs in the programme can be broadcast at any time in their favorite spots professional advertising, so as to solve the traditional television advertising time slots and grab the audience watched evade the contradiction between.
     This paper from the era of digital TV in China's TV advertising of the new study starting with the operating environment, and with our existing advertising of their own characteristics and the current developments. On the digital TV era background TV commercials, will face the dilemma described by its own digital TV with the new technical features. Analysis of new technology in the new media of how the development of the domestic television advertising change crisis into opportunity, using digital television technology to develop new advertising strategies and explore new forms of advertising. For advertisers, digital TV to their activities to the depth and breadth. They get customers for the information dialogue with customers, and to assess the effect of advertising. People have already seen the potential of the digital TV interactive, digital TV has the people, through remote control and the red button, and submit data to the terminal.
     Digital TV era face the opportunities and challenges, China's television advertising should be improved and a new strategy adjustments. Through these adjustments to break through the limitations of analog TV era, the era of digital television conform to the new requirements. We must analyze the new changes, and adjust accordingly response. Therefore, the digital TV era and the plight of the development of advertising strategy, we should do more advertising to ponder. The development of digital television, in advertising to the great room for development, but also to advertising staff a great challenge, and many areas for research and exploration. Therefore, the digital TV era and the plight of the development of advertising strategy, we should do more advertising to ponder.
     But unfortunately, in the development of digital television advertising strategy and the plight of the analysis. Domestic scholars study less, Feng An ultra-digital television advertisements, as well as the technical characteristics of digital television advertisements survey evaluation system were studied. Digital TV ads on the study, the technical aspects, marketing less. In addition, advertising is only practice and the assessment of the planning is not enough, as more advertising must be clear figures on the importance of television advertising. The development of digital television advertising strategy and the plight of research, will the domestic digital TV advertising industry has an important reference value. Therefore, the development of digital television advertising strategy and the plight of research, will the domestic digital TV advertising industry has an important reference value, a rainy day can deal with easily.
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