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     (1)土壤物理性质演变。煤矸石山土壤剖面具有明显的三个发生层次:即风化表层、弱风化亚表层和未风化矸石层,层次间过渡明显。排矸年限越长,风化层厚度越大。矸石风化物随排矸年限的增加呈逐渐细化的过程。其土壤饱和含水量、毛管持水量、田间持水量、总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度随排矸年限的增加呈同步增长的态势,非毛管孔隙度则相反,表明土壤结构趋于改善。由于阴、阳坡水分条件的差异,并由此造成了矸石风化成土进程的差异,使得阳坡的水分和孔隙度参数明显低于阴坡。土壤容重随着排矸年限的增加而减小,排矸同期的阳坡由于风化滞后,其土壤容重大于阴坡。土壤入渗率随入渗时间的变化符合i = at-b的乘幂形式,而土壤累计入渗量随入渗时间的变化符合I = a + bt + ct2的多项式。土壤初渗率和稳渗率随排矸年限增加而减小,并且与非毛管孔隙度相关显著,表明随矸石风化程度提高,非毛管孔隙度减小,其保水保肥性能提高。
This dissertation takes the gangue pile which under the natural vegetation rehabilitation from Fuxin Mining Area as the study object, through field investigation, observation on the spot and lab analysis, from soil physical and chemical properties, hydrology characteristics, microclimatic characteristics, species diversity and so on, to system research the succession characteristics of the habitat to different slope directions and to different dumping years, and using the principal component analysis method (PCA) to comprehensive evaluate the habitat quality of the gangue pile for the first time, in order to offer scientific basis for the utilization and ecological restoration of the gangue pile. The result shows as following:
     (1) Succession of the soil physical properties. The profile characteristics of the gangue pile have three obvious layers: weathering surface layer, weakly weathering sub-surface layer and non-weathering layer, the transition is obvious, and the longer the dumping years, the thicker the weathering layer. The weathered material of gangue gets fine gradually with the increase of dumping years. The saturation moisture content, capillary moisture capacity and field moisture capacity increase with the increase of dumping years, the un-capillary porosity is opposite, which shows that the soil structure is improving. As the moisture condition of the shady slope is different from that of the sunny slope, which cause the different weathering and pedogenesis process of the gangue, leading to the parameters of moisture and capacity of sunny slope are lower than those of shady slope obviously. The soil bulk density decreases with the increase of dumping years, as the weathering speed of the sunny slope is lower, the value of soil bulk of the sunny slope is bigger than that of the shady slope with the same dumping year. The infiltration rate changes with the increase of time according with power format as i = at-b, and the accumulated infiltration capacity changes with the increase of time according with multinomial format
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