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中央商务区(Central Business District)简称CBD,它的活动包括金融、贸易、信息、展览、会议、酒店、经营管理,旅游、商贸、市政建设、交通服务等,是城市中上述商务活动和人流最集中、交通最便捷、建筑密度最高、吸引和服务范围最大的地区,同时它也是地价最高的地区。
CBD (Central Business District), where such activities as finance, trade, information, exhibition, conference, management, business, municipal administration and traffic service are held, is the area that is more densely populated, more convenient in traffic and more attractive to investment than other areas in the same district. So it is reasonable that the land price of CBD is high.
    Agglomeration economies bring about urban center in the process of urban sprawl. With the formation of centripetal urban rings, the planners of the city make rational adjustments in the distribution of spatial structure of urban areas according to theory of economic rent so that the services of high quality are amassed in the central sphere of the area, which results in the formation of CBD.
    CBD is the central area of commercial organizations as well as the administrative center of urban, regional and even international economy. CBD comes out because of the development of urban economy and at the same time it works sufficiently on the progress of economy of that district. Under the macro guidance of the regional center, those masters from home and abroad hold interregional and international business activities in the regional central area which then becomes the CBD of that district.
    Chongqing is a key city with long history, high status and rich resources in the southwest of China and it plays a very important and indispensable role in the economical development in this area. So it is necessary for Chongqing to establish a CBD to call those talented entrepreneurs from domestic and foreign companies together and to attract foreign funds and outstanding talents so as to bridge the comparatively developed eastern area with the west and make it (the CBD) the center of resource pooling and information communication of western area.
    The core sphere of Chongqing consists of five districts, i.e. Yuzhong District, Shapingba District, Nan'an District, Jiangbei District and Jiulongpo District, each of them has their own commercial center. Among the five districts, Yuzhong District is the better developing one in which Jiefangbei exceeds other parts in high frequency and grade business activities to be the CBD of Chongqing. Yet there really exists such problems as there are still some low-grade business activities, the neighboring environment of the administrative organizations is not that satisfying, neither are there enough public utilities and green belts in this area. In view of the geographic restrictions,
    it is rather difficult for Jiefangbei to expand expect to extend to the main roads. This is a strategic idea for the pooling of funds, information communication, the prosperity of high-grade business, tourist industry and recreation activity.
    Chongqing is a regional central city, Chongqing has its own characteristics and advantages that are different from other cities and countries so that it should aim to establish a unique CBD with unique function, structure and shape based on the local conditions. That is the point of the construction of the central place as well as subcenters and idealized structure of this metropolitan city.
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