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The viability and development of retailing has long been the focus of entrepreneurs, customers and government officers, because retailing is very important to the development of the economy. After the products are produced in factory, it is through retailing that these products are sold to the customers so that new products can be produced again. Vice versa. It is through retailing that the customers obtain what they want. The government can get information about the market through retailing so that it can adjust and control the economy macroscopically and manage the industry. In this era of business, retailing has become the forerunner from the terminal of the economy. The development of retailing has great influence on the development of economy. So we can say that the development of retailing is nearly connected with the development level of economy.
    In recent years, with the continuous development of economy and the improvement of people's standard of living, the retailing of our country has been developing at an unprecedented speed and the retailing market has show prosperous vision. Since the opening policy of 1978, during the process of our economy's approaching to the world economy, the retailing has changed greatly. All these changes show that our retailing becomes more and more matured.
    However, the globalization of economy and trade become more and more deepened. The world retailing is experiencing new development. With the china's entry into WTO, our government has promised that in the next three to five years, we will remove the restriction on foreign businessman step by step. They can undertake retailing, wholesaling through joint venture or other forms. All these new changes will influence our retailing widely. So our retailing must recognize these new changes and increase its ability of competition so that it can win in the tide of market economy.
    During the development of our retailing, some enterprises have made great success. But on the other hand, many enterprises have failed. The analysis of these failures shows that location is one of the important reasons of these failures. In the west countries, retailing is regarded as the industry of location. We can see the
    important of location to the success of retailing enterprises. In recent years, the fierce competition among enterprises, the conversion of people's idea on consumption and the improvement of transportation have altered the behavior of enterprises. Location has become the important factor to the success of enterprises. In our country, the businessman of retailing has not recognized adequately the importance of location. Or maybe they have recognized, but there is no method for them to use to locate their store. Hence in this essay, the author discusses and analyzes something concerned with location of retailing.
    This essay is divided into four parts. In the first part, the author expatiates simply the importance of retailing to the economy and analyzes the status in quo of retailing of our country and analyzes the importance of location to the success of retailing enterprises. The author points out that with china's entry into WTO, with the increase of people's standard of living and with the change of transportation and people's idea on consumption, many large retailing enterprises have entered into china to share the benefit of our retailing market. Because these large retailing enterprises have great advantages over china's retailing enterprises, the latter will face fierce competition. Our retailing enterprises must recognize the new situation and increase their ability of competition so that they can compete with these large retailing enterprises and share the benefit. Location is one key aspect at that our retailing enterprises can do something to improve their competition ability. As soon as a store determines its location, it determines the number of customer and their purchasing power, consequently determines the sales and profit of this store. So our retailing enterprises should put great effort on location. T
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    1 资料来源于万军,胡燕妮《选址难 外商选址更难》《商业研究》2002.4
    2 数据来源于《致力于服务专业客户》《中国商贸》2002.9
    3 转引自人民网2003年4月2日的报道《专家指出:中国零售业开放速度过快》
    4 引自牟永春,许辉《加入WTO后对中国零售业的影响与对策》《黑龙江对外贸易》2002.4
    5 注:中国加入WTO,零售业承诺在经营范围和市场准入方面逐步开放。例如,在市场准入上,第一年,外国服务提供者仅限于以合资企业形式在5个经济特区:深圳、珠海、汕头、厦门和海南和6个城市:北京、上海、天津、广州、大连和青岛提供服务。在北京和上海,允许的合资零售企业的总数各不超过4家;第二年,开放所有省会城市、宁波和重庆;第三年,取消地域限制、数量限制、股权限制。在经营范围上,加入WTO后一年内允许从事图书、报纸和杂志的零售;加入WTO后3年内,允许从事药品、农药、农膜和成品油的零售;加入WTO后5年内,允许从事化肥的零售
    6 来自付勇所著《中小零售商:你是否身适其位》《中国商贸》2002.7
    7 资料来源于刘建堤《商店选址中的地区与交易区域分析》《中国商贸》2001.2
    8 转引自《读者》杂志,1996.3
    9 引自万振琴的《影响零售商业选址决策的人口因素分析》《市场与人口分析》1997.3
    10 注:此数据来自2002年国民经济和社会发展统计公报
    11 购买力指数是国际上通用的评估某一地区市场需求总量的有效方法,但有时该公式表示为:购买力指数(BPI)=0.5Y+0.2P+0.3R。Y表示某地国民收入居民消费额在全国总数中的比重,P表示某地人口总数在全国总数中的比重,R表示某地居民消费品零售额在全国总数的比重。
    12 地理信息系统,它是将计算机硬件、软件、地理数据以及系统管理人员组织而成的对任意形式的地理信息进行高效获取、存储、更新、操作、分析及显示的集成。地理信息系统是全球经济的两大主要技术之一,它被广泛应用在以下领域:市场开发、场地选择、零售商业、金融和银行业、房地产业等等。
    13 资料来源于《商业经济研究》,1995.7
    14 引自戢守峰《我国零售业竞争取胜的法宝——核心竞争力分析》《商业研究》2002.5
    15 资料来源于刘建堤《商店选址中的地区与交易区域分析》《中国商贸》2001.2
    16 数据来源于杨海丽《零售店的选址》《价格月刊》2002.8
    17 表格来源于张素丽《浅析零售商店的选址要素》《商业时代》,1999.3
    18 数据来源于来自北京统计信息网
    19 表格来源于张斌《金地》《中国商贸》2002.2
    20 注:MapInfo是全球信息可视化技术的领导者。总部设在美国纽约州特罗依市,其产品和服务遍布全球58个国家和地区, 并已经被翻译成20种语言全球有超过30万个颁在各行各业的用户在使用MAPINFOR 产品和技术。MapInfo在全球拥有超过1000个的应用软件开发合作伙伴,他们可以为企业和政府部门提供各种应用解决方案。同时MapInfo拥有广泛的业界支持,MICROSOFT、ORACLE、INFORMIX、IBM、SUN、HP等都选择MapInfo作为长期合作伙伴。
    21 注:S&B意思为裁撤与重建,是关于撤除某一处的店铺和决定将店铺集中于某一地区或商圈的战略。
    22 注:这一规模的确定引自引自戢守峰《我国零售业竞争取胜的法宝——核心竞争力分析》《商业研究》2002.5

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