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以盆栽控水的方法,在陕西杨凌研究了女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)、小蜡
    (Ligustrum sinense)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)
    前者为田间最大持水量的 70%,后者为田间最大持水量的 30%。试验获得的
    6~9 月,适宜水分条件下小蜡的月耗水量最大值出现在 7 月份,其它三种出
    现在 6 月份,严重干旱条件下四个树种均出现在 6 月,耗水量最少的月份集
    中在冬季的 12~2 月;白天的不同时间段耗水量变化有季节和树种的差异;严
    萝卜素含量保持相对稳定;SOD、POD 的活性主要在春季萌发和秋季降温的
    过程中活性较高,SOD 在冬季和夏季的活性水平都不高,冬季尤为低下;POD
    的活性变化与 SOD 不同,冬季活性增大,而生长季相对低一些;夏季阔叶树
The growth development and water consumption and drought
    resistance of four evergreen tree species ( Ligustrum lucidum , Pinus
    tabulaeformis , Ligustrum sinense , Platycladus orientalis)were studied by
    potted-plant in Yangling China. Two water treatments were set by artificially
    controlling soil moisture. One was normal water supply (70%θf), and the other
    was severe water deficit (30%θf). The results showed that different water
    supplies significantly affected the survival ratio, lengthening growth rate, leaf
    characteristic, branching pattern, biomass and their distribution of the four tree
    species. On severe water deficit condition, the survival ratio decreased notably,
    especially Pinus tabulaeformis. The growth of leaves area and length of
    needle-leaves was obviously hampered on drought stress. The common
    characteristic of four species about biomass was reduced than normal soil water
    content. The leaf biomass dry weight decreased, in contrast to the root biomass
    dry weight increased, especially the two broad-leaves tree species. The situation
    of branch of two broad-leaves evergreen tree species was greatly worse. Both total
    branch number and total branch length were decreased. And their bifurcation ratio
    was decreased too. Very important to photosynthesis, outer branches number
    notably descended and length become short. Different soil water content had
    affected water consumption character of four evergreen tree species. The
    maximum amount of daily and monthly water consumption both emerged in
    growth season. The maximum consumption amount time was ahead of that of
    normal soil water content one month. The other hand, the minimum amount
    emerged in winter from December to February the next year. The daily amount of
    water consumption on normal water content was easier to fluctuate according to
    the weather condition than that on sever drought stress. The fluctuant range of
    water consumption on stress condition was smaller than that on normal soil
    moisture. Because of sever drought stress, the water consumption amount of day
    and night ratio decreased. And the ratio of day and night in summer was lower
    than that of in spring and autumn. There were greatly changes of mechanism of
    leaves water physiology and biochemistry due to severe soil water deficit. The
    changes had period or season regular character. With the season turning, the
    capacity of resistance hard environment was different, strengthening or weakening.
    From whole view, this capacity of two needle-leaves tree species was better than
    that of two broad-leaves tree species. The ability of resistance drought stress had
    difference between two broad-leaves tree species. This ability of Ligustrum
    sinense was lower than Ligustrum lucidum, but this situation was reversed in
    winter. This phenomenon illuminated the ability of resistance chilling or freezing
    the former was better than that of the latter. Different soil water content had
    obviously affected on osmotic adjustment substance and photosynthetic pigment
    content of four evergreen tree species. The range and sensitive of osmotic
    adjustment capacity of the needle-leaves evergreen tree species were better than
    those of osmotic adjustment capacity of the broad-leaves evergreen tree species.
    But the absolute content of proline and soluble sugar of the needle-leaves
    evergreen tree species was lower than that of the broad-leaves evergreen tree
    species. The content of K+ had no obvious difference among four evergreen tree
    species. The soluble sugar was the effective osmotic adjustment substance used to
    resist the hard environment stress on the four evergreen tree species respectively.
    Different soil moisture had obviously affected on protective enzyme system
    activities. At the beginning, the activities increased, but a little time later,
    decreased and kept stable. Their activities had season variation irregular on four
    evergreen tree species. Contrasted the content of photosynthetic pigment and
    osmotic adjustment substance and hormone ABA and the activities of prote
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