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研究背景帕金森病(Parkinson disease,PD)是一种常见于中老年人的第二大神经退行性疾病,为老年人2大慢性杀手之一。随着老龄化社会的来临,PD患病率正在世界范围内逐年增高,据世界帕金森病协会资料显示,全球现有超过400万帕金森病患者。我国目前约有帕金森病患者172万,居全球第一,而且每年还要新增约10万患者。因此帕金森病已经成为我国乃至世界各国面临的重大医学和社会问题。
     研究表明:中脑黑质多巴胺能神经元变性缺失伴胞浆内Lewy小体的形成是帕金森病的主要病理改变。而越来越多的证据显示Lewy小体的形成与泛素蛋白酶体系统(ubiquitin proteasome system,UPS)功能缺损密切相关。目前,在治疗上,人们普遍采用以左旋多巴为主的替代疗法,虽然在缓解PD患者症状上有一定疗效,但同时也会出现一些严重的毒副作用,且不能有效阻止病情的发展。近年来的研究证实:中药治疗PD疗效确切,在延缓疾病的进程,减轻西药治疗后的不良反应,控制PD的一些非运动障碍症状等方面发挥了重要作用。但目前对中药治疗PD的机理探讨上,国内还多局限于从氧化应激、细胞凋亡、兴奋性氨基酸毒性、免疫反应等方面入手,未见对本病关键性病理环节UPS的研究。
Background Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. With the coming of the old-aged society, the wordwide incidence of PD is rising. According to investigation of Parkinson's Disease Association, there has been up to four millions of PD patients in the world, and our country have 1.72 millions, which occupys the first place. In addition, there is still 100 thousand every year. Therefore, how to deal with PD has become an important medicine and society problem.
     Researchs have previously demonstrated that Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by a relatively selective degeneration of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) and intracellular proteinaceous inclusions referred to as Lewy bodies. Several studies have suggested that failure of the ubiquitin proteasome system to clear intracellular proteinaceous inclusions may be an important factor in PD. At present, theL-dopamine (L-DA) is wordwide applied to therapy PD. Although it alleviates the symptoms, it can also result in a serises of negative effect, and can't effectively hold back the development of PD. Recently research demonstrates that the effect is significant with Chinese medicine-treated, which not only delays the proccess of PD, but also relieves the negative effect of some chemicals, and can also control other symptoms besides movement disorders. At present, reserchers in our country commomly aimed at the exploration of the anti-oxidation and anti-apoptosis mechanism, However, there is few study on the mechanism of Chinese medicine's therapeutic effect on the ubiquitin proteasome system of PD.
     Chinese medicine "AnChanLing" has a beneficial effect on treating PD, which has proved by the many year's clinical application. We established the PD rat model of by injecting lactacystin, and observed the AnChanLing effect on the UPS function and anti-apoptosis by immunohistochemistry and TUNEL. We have intention to provide AnChanLing with some experimental evidence on treating PD, and it would be shed light on the therapic mechanism of PD patients as well.
     Objective To Explore AnChanLing effect on UPS function of PD rat models.
     Methods we established the rat model of by injecting lactacystin stereotaxically to left side of the mesencephic ventral tegmental area(VTA)and substantian igra pars compactas(SNc) of rats. After 3 weeks, all rats were induced the rotational behavior after injecting apomorphine subcutaneously. 27 successful animals were randomly divided into two groups, model group and Anchanling-treated group. Each group has 10 rats, meanwhile, 10 rats were considered as control group. The control and model groups were treated with physiological saline for 5 weeks, and Anchanling-treated group with Chinese medicine Anchanling decoction. The rotational behavior was evaluated by recording the numer of apomorphine-induced turns once a week. We used tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistochemical staining to investigate the numbers of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra compacta (SNc). TUNEL staining was employed to observe the apoptosis of nerve cells. A-synuclein、ubiquitin positive ceils are applied to elaterate the difference of the UPS function between each group.
     Results In the contrary of the group of PD rats, the rotational behavior, apoptosic nigral cells of the group of "AnChanLing" treatment were ameliorated effectively. The TUNEL positive cells in the group of Chinese Medcine were significantly less than the model group(P<0.01), and a-synuclein、ubiquitin positive cells were also less than that.
     Conclusions AnChanLing could obviously inhibit the apoptosis of neuron cell. It was suggested that AnChanLingcould ameliorate effectively the function of UPS.
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