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     本研究采用整群抽样的方法从济南市四所高中的高二年级抽取450名受测者,运用课余体育竞赛参与情况调查问卷、运动成就动机量表、体育情境中道德选择问卷、限定问题测验进行了调查。数据采用SPSS for windows 10.2进行统计分析。
As the important build-up of human culture, sport has ever been reputed to be the valuable moral education instrument. However, whether sport can shaping character or not is a long-standing disputable topic. In recent year, the inner mechanism of this progress is becoming the focus of this field. But previous researches were limited in professional sport and P.E in class, but not for after-school sports activity. After-school sports activity is superior to professional sport and P.E. teaching in influence moral development of adolescents. Firstly, individual can perform value-choice more freely in the moral dilemma in after-school sports. Secondly, professional sport exerts a subtle negative influence on moral choices in after-school sports. It is taken for granted that the sole valid approach of moral development is moral construction of oneself. Inspired by the principles of the model of moral education, participate in after-school sport was introduced into the present study as an important influencing var
    iable to moral choice to explore the character of moral choice in after-school sports, and the mechanism of the progress from the view of sport achievement motivation.
    The present study has examined: (1) the characteristic of adolescent's sport achievement motivation in after-school sports; (2) the characteristic of adolescent' s moral choice in after-school sports; (3) the relationship between sport achievement motivation and moral choice in after-school sports.
    Data were collected via a questionnaire battery administered to a sample of 450 adolescents from grade 2 in senior high school. The questionnaire battery contained participation on after-school sports, sport orientation, moral choice in sport and defining issues test. Date were statistical analysed with SPSS for windows 10.2.
    The main findings from the present study are as follows:
    1. In general, adolescent's sport achievement motivation in after-school sports. Competitive orientation and win orientation were influenced significantly by participation level; however No significant main effect of gender and participation on goal orientation.
    2. The main effects of gender and participation level on moral judgment and moral intention in after-school sports were significant, and obvious interaction of gender and participation level was also found. However, moral action was influenced
    significantly by participation level solely. No significant participation level main effect on moral judgment in general life.
    3. No significant correlation was found between moral judgement in general life and special sport situation in after-school sports.
    4. Significant positive correlation was found between competitive orientation and moral judgment/moral intention; Significant positive correlation was found between win orientation and moral intention; significant positive correlation existed between goal orientation and moral choice(moral judgment, moral intention and moral action).
    5 . Goal orientation can positively predict adolescent's moral action in after-school sports to some extent.
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