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As a newly developed media, internet had been accepted by more and more people. It exerted great impact on internet users. Undergraduate was the group that had the most popular rate of internet use and it also had the highest rate of internet addiction. A series of behavioral and psychological problems resulted from addicting internet can not be neglected. As the development of internet use and internet addiction phenomenon, on the purpose of knowing and using internet better to bring its great potential, this study focused on undergraduate's internet using, based on phases cognitive theories and Precede-Proceed model in health behavior area.
     Using investigation and electroencephalo-graph, this study investigated the different addiction states in 942 undergraduate internet users from four colleges in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, working on their electroencephalo-graph signal characters, personalities and the influential factors of internet using. The data were dealt with statistical analysis of factor, correlation, Chi-square, ANOVA and AMOS structural equation models etc. After detailed analysis and discussion, the study got following conclusions:
     1.1 Undergraduate internet users can be grouped into internet addiction, internet addiction intent and none internet addiction groups accounting for 10.0%, 74.7% and 15.3% respectively. The ratios of these three groups were different between male and female undergraduate. In group of internet addiction, the ratio of male users is higher than that of female users. In other two groups, the ratio of male users is lower than that of female users.
     1.2 Undergraduate internet users in different groups had significant difference in the score of Chinese Internet Addiction Scale, time spent on the internet, place, activities and the opinion on internet effect and internet addiction.
     1.3 Undergraduate internet users in different groups had significant difference in C(n), MF and MPF of spontaneous EEG signal. Activities and brain sections had significant effect on C(n), MF and MPF.
     1.4 The ERP induced by different stimulus were P1, N2 and P3. There was significant difference in 3 groups at the amplitude of P3 that induced by Internet related stimulus or stimulus with "internet". The amplitude of P3 in group of internet addiction was higher than that in other two groups, and the amplitude of P3 in group of internet addiction intent was higher than that in group of none internet addiction.
     1.5 Undergraduate internet users in different groups had significant difference in depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-esteem and self-control. The scores of depression, anxiety and loneliness in group of internet addiction were higher than those in other two groups, and those in group of internet addiction intent were higher than those in group of none internet addiction. The score of self-esteem and self-control ability in group of internet addiction were lower than those in other two groups, and those in group of internet addiction intent were lower than those in group of none internet addiction.
     1.6 The revised undergraduate internet using behavior questionnaire had a good reliability and validity. It can be applied as an instrument to evaluate factors that influence the internet use for undergraduates.
     1.7 Internet using behavior was influenced by intent, causable and reinforcing factors directly or indirectly. Internet using behavior was the interactional outcome of different factors which were intent, causable, reinforcing factors such as cognitive, attitude, belief, internet reachable, family and social impact etc.
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