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The issue of gaining and sustaining competitive advantage has been the focus of the debate among different strategic management schools. Different strategic schools adopt different strategic thinking patterns to explain this issue. Early strategic management theories are based on strategic thinking pattern of‘inside-fit-outside’; Theory of Industrial Organization. Porter's Strategic Positioning Theory is based on the strategic thinking pattern of‘outside-in’; Resource Based View. Which is based on the thinking pattern of‘inside-out’, and the developing theories i.e.. Core Competence Theory, Dynamic Capability Theory, Organizational Learning and Innovation Theory are the mainstream thinking patterns of various strategic management schools.
     Many theoretical schools developed from the‘inside-out’strategic thinking patterns provide thinking and methods of enterprises’internal analysis from different perspectives. Some theoretical schools focus on the enterprise resources and strategic features, and some on the enterprise's core competence and dynamic capability. some on the process of gaining resources capacity through learning and innovation…. Under the background of the contentions of different theoretical views. The purpose and significance of the thesis is to enrich and develop‘inside-out’strategic thinking pattern from new perspectives and new levels.
     Firstly, by adopting the theoretical methods of induction and deduction, this thesis brings corporate human resources into the classification framework of intangible resources. Firstly expands and refines the analysis framework of the strategic characteristics and strategic value of resource capacity. Then proposes a more operational and practical analysis framework, and based on which this thesis conducts a comparative study on strategic characteristics and strategic value of enterprises’tangible and intangible resources;
     In order to discriminate the impact mechanism of enterprises’intangible resources on competitive advantage. First, the thesis theoretically studies the interaction relationship between the‘individual intangible resources’and‘organizational intangible resources’; then studies the interaction relationship among organizational‘cultural resources’,‘knowledge resources’,‘relation resources’and‘reputation resources’; finally, studies the impact of‘individual intangible resources and capability’on‘organizational intangible resources’, and the direct and indirect impact of‘organizational intangible resources and capability’on enterprises’competitive advantage. Based on the theoretical study, the thesis constructs a logic model of‘key human resources→organizational intangible resources→competitive advantage’, and puts forward 14 hypotheses concerning the relationship between various variables of the logical model which are based on the preliminary conclusions of the theoretical study.
     Secondly, the thesis tests the 14 hypotheses by using empirical methods of questionnaire design and sample selection, questionnaire survey and data collection, data analysis and comments, structural equation and hypothesis testing. The results show that:①there are positive relationships between enterprise resources including entrepreneurs' human resources, enterprise key position human resources, organizational cultural resource, knowledge resources, relation resources, reputation resources and the competitive advantages.②There are positive relationships between entrepreneurs human resources and organizational cultural resource, knowledge resources, relationships resources, reputation resources.③There are positive relationships between enterprise key position human resources and organizational cultural resource, knowledge resources, relation resources, reputation resources.
     Based on the results of theoretical and empirical study, the paper reaches the following conclusions:
     ①The enterprise internal intangible resources consist of‘individual intangible resources’and‘organizational intangible resources’. The available‘human resources’of enterprise are essentially the employees’individual intangible resources and the derived individual capacity.
     ②Compared with tangible resources, the enterprise's intangible resources are more in line with the strategic resources’characteristics of‘scarcity, difficult trading and liquidity. unreplicability. matching external environment and corporate strategy. as well as the usability’. etc.. Thus, intangible resources are more strategic than the tangible resources.
     ③There is interaction between enterprise key human resources and organizational intangible resources, and key human resources have a dominant influence on the formation and evolution of the organizational intangible resources.
     ④There are interactive relationships between reputation resources and cultural resource, knowledge resources, relation resources, among which cultural resource and knowledge resources play leading roles.
     ⑤Enterprise key human resources and organizational intangible resources both have direct or indirect impact on competitive advantage, and organizational intangible resources have more direct influence on company's competitive advantage, enterprise key human resources influence the competitive advantage indirectly through its influence on organizational intangible resources.
     The major innovations of the theory and methodology in this dissertation are as follows:①Expansion and refinement the analysis framework of the resource capacity's strategic characteristics and value.②Reflection study on the sustainability of competitive advantage.③Deep investigation on the strategic significance of employee training in human resources management.
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