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Development is the eternal theme for human. By deep thinking the crisis of development, people are making every effort to look for a new developing pattern, and as a result, the thought and strategy of sustainable development are put forward. According to the present situation of China, it is an essential choice to bring the strategy of sustainable development into effect, which can assure China walk up to a sustainable future.
    The importance of sustainable education lies in that education is an important part of the strategy of sustainable development and has connections with all ptirls of the strategy. The essence of education of sustainable development is that it is an training activity for the learners and that makes them possess the ability and makings of sustainable development. The stands of education of sustainable development have changed from the simple environment protection in the past to deep thinking of the historical pattern of human development and their future.
    Education is, by studying the actualities of the education of sustainable of development overseas, a regional and international challenge ,and is the key to sustainable development in the future. All the Asian and the Pacific countries think it necessary to create a sustainable future by education. Though Countries in America are divided into the North group and the South group, they all hope to innovate the sustainable development by education reform. All countries in Africa think education plays an important role in solving the development problems effectively, so they all put the sustainable education into practice to make it fit for the future. In Europe, educations of sustainable development have been considered as one of the country's policy, and as the tools that their governments use to develop furthering the near future.
    By the analysis of actualities of education of sustainable development in geography in high school in China, we can draw the conclusions; first, the new
    geography curriculum gives prominence to the education of sustainable; second, though the teachers have already realized the importance of infiltrating sustainable education into his class, they don't know how to do it and how to do it systematically; third, the high school students are more interested in sustainable education, but their knowledge level is still very low, so they are not aware of how to take the responsibility to change their living pattern and their behavior. According the above analysis I think putting the sustainable development education in high school is an urgent question with further thinking and study.
    In my paper, I present the system of sustainable geography teaching as the following: the system of educational goal , content,d model and principles, methods , evaluation , the relation between teacher and student and environment. And I also systematically study the goal, content, model, principle and methods of sustainable development in geography teaching in high school, which are shown in as the following:
    Firstly, I studied the method of presenting the contents of sustainable development education in the textbooks, active lesson, geography in rural area, the open geography teaching environment and the environment at home, which can make the teaching contents more systematically and clearly.
    Secondly, I studied the sustainable geography education theoretically, and finally put forward the basic teaching model of "the mixture of knowledge, emotion and behavior; solid structure of knowledge points" and value teaching model.
    Thirdly, I concluded that the basic geography teaching principles are as the following: the principle of mixing the knowledge with moral character, the principle of enlightenment, the principle of participation, the principle of infiltration and the principle of critics.
    Fourthly, by studying the past teaching experience of environmental education and development education, I put forward ten basic teaching methods and their study pattern in high school geography teaching, which are as the
    following: the method o
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