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South China Sea is China's territory since ancient times, but in the last century 70's, the Southeast Asian countries have to seize the South China Sea islands. Currently the South China Sea dispute has become the world's countries most involved in the case of the most complex maritime rights disputes.
     The Philippines is the first Southeast Asian countries on the South China Sea that "sovereignty" are asking for is outside the Vietnamese occupation of the South China Sea islands than most countries. In February 2009 the Philippines through "territorial sea baseline bill" part of the Nansha Islands and the Huangyan Island is designated as the Philippines, thus, the Philippines, occupying a total of 10 South China Sea islands and reefs, more than 40 million square kilometers of sea areas will be designated as its territorial waters. Philippines, Africa and France to snatch the behavior of the South China Sea islands, China produced a series of negative effects, Violation of China's territorial integrity and sovereignty, Restricting China's economic growth, and threatened China's national security, affect China's international image. Can be said that the behavior has affected the Philippines to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese historical process.
     To solve the South China Sea dispute between China and the Philippines will help resolve the South China Sea.the South China Sea dispute settlement in the current situation can not be achieved, If we can see the Philippines as a breakthrough ,by the economic, political, legal, defense and other efforts, the peaceful settlement of disputes between China and the Philippines, by the "domino" effect, with other countries, the dispute will be resolved easily. China is a responsible big country, has been committed to the peaceful settlement of disputes in the Fei Nanhai, in order to achieve peace, development and win-win situation. China hopes with other countries together to promote regional economic and social sustainable development, and for the whole of human civilization and to contribute to world peace and progress.
     In this paper, we have used the following research methods: document research, case analysis, historical analysis ,comparison synthesis. There are four main parts in the paper:
     Part one: The origin and content of South China Sea dispute between China and the Philippines. The part of the review from a historical perspective of China and the Philippines, South China Sea dispute process, clear article on the South China Sea disputes between China and the Philippines scope of the study. In this paper, time sequence, according to the characteristics of the South China Sea occupied the Philippines in four stages before the 20th century, 70s, 70-80 years of the 20th century, 20th century 90's, the 21st century between China and the Philippines to discuss the origin of the South China Sea dispute. Occupation of the Philippines, the behavior of the South China Sea and China's attitude is summarized. Pointed out that the South China Sea between China and the Philippines, the South China Sea islands dispute the contents of the sovereignty dispute, war for oil and gas resources, is the dispute over division of the area.
     Part two: The reasons for the dispute of South China Sea between China and the Philippines. The part of the area from the South China Sea, the Philippines, China, to sum up the five aspects of the causes of the dispute. South China Sea has rich resources and strategic importance to the dispute of the most major reason is because the South China Sea region.;Philippines domestic dispute as a tool of political struggle, is produced by the dispute because the Philippines; China has long paid insufficient attention to the South China Sea dispute is a dispute arising from the reasons for China;“United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea,”the negative impact of increasing the legal aspects of the dispute because; United States, Japan, India, involved in a dispute arising in the external causes of Fei Nanhai. United States, Japan, India, involved in is external causes of South China Sea dispute between China and the Philippines.
     Part three: Development trends and their impact on China of South China Sea disputes between China and the Philippines. This part sets out the South China Sea dispute emerged between China and the Philippines International and a group, long-term trend, Analysis of the development of a dispute arising from a series of negative effects of China.Violated China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, Restricted the development of Chinese economy, China's national security threat. Resolve the dispute between China and the Philippines, South China Sea has become very urgent.
     Part four:Countermeasure to resolving the dispute of South China Sea between China and the Philippines. This part mainly from the economic, legal, and national defense to sum up five measures peaceful settlement of disputes. Strengthen economic and trade cooperation with the Philippines, resource development, to play China's "smart power", which is an important countermeasure peaceful settlement of disputes; Increase awareness of sea power, to safeguard China's maritime rights and interests legitimate, is the protection of measures to resolve the dispute;Strengthen international law, undermine the Philippine South Sea "sovereignty" of the legal basis for legal measures to resolve disputes; Strengthen ASEAN and the United States and other countries and communication, to avoid international disputes, the group, is the peaceful settlement of disputes outside of countermeasures;Cross-strait communication and cooperation and jointly safeguard the core interests of the Chinese nation, which is currently very necessary measures to resolve disputes.
     South China Sea, a long-standing dispute between China and the Philippines to address them requires wisdom, need to work. Although there are many disputes uncertainties, there are also the danger of war, but the overall situation of Sino-Philippine relations are stable, is still the mainstream of bilateral relations and friendly cooperation. In recent years, China's rapid economic development, Philippines and China in expanding economic and trade cooperation, We believe that the efforts of the two peoples of China and the Philippines, South China Sea disputes can be peacefully resolved.
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